Chapter 4

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"Geez, I'm freezing now." Eren said, curling up in some blankets.

"You'll be fine."

"And you didn't have to slam me shut."

"Yes, I did. You two were being idiots. Why did I have to get stuck with the two most annoying idiots?"

"How did you get stuck with Book?" Eren asked.

"Finally, you're starting to ask the right questions."

"Oh, I do like this story. It's the story of how my love and I met."

"Shut up, you pervy book. Do you want me to sit on you?" I snapped at him.

"I wouldn't mind."

I picked up Book and threw him against the wall. I shook my head in disgust and sat down on the bed. Book floated up and settled himself on the nightstand.

"All mages are given a magic book after they pass a certain stage. But, it's not up to the mage. A book will select the mage according to how their power and aether match up. Being that I was special so I wasn't really able to have one. So, using two books a black and a white one, I used my power to fuse them and create Book. But once a book is paired with their mage, you can't change it."

"Oh. So, will I get a book one day?"

"If you reach a certain level and I take you to the School of Magic."

"Will you take me there one day?"

"Sure, but you have to past a test to even enter. I can't tell you what it is, since it's different for everyone. I will help you prepare though. We'll need to start from the very beginning, controling your aether."

"Alright! What do I have to do!?"

"Shut up and focus."

"Don't tell me to shut up! Just tell me what I have to do!"

I slapped the back of his head.

"I just told you what to do moron!"

"No you didn't! You just told me to shut up!"

"That's what you're supposed to do!"

"I should clarify. You're supposed to focus and meditate until you can feel all of you aether moving inside of you. You need to be able to feel it and concentrate it into specific areas of your body. I believe White was going to wait to tell you until you could focus it. She wanted to take it step by step so your body doesn't get overstressed."

"Sure, whatever. I'm going out. Book, make sure he stays here and focus." I said, heading for the door.


White closed the door behind her as she left.

"Stupid, crazy, big chested old mage lady." I grumbled.

"Please do not look at White like that. White has had a difficult life being the Grey Mage. Her parents died when she was a baby and she doesn't even remember them. On top of that she was taken to the School of Magic and trained as a mage well before she even showed signs of magic. As well as the whole Black Angels deal. She has been alone for so long, she no longer knows how to treat others. But she has a kind heart. She has created a strange bond with you, though you bicker, she does care about you. If she hadn't, she wouldn't have saved you or tried to take your learning step by step."


"Yes. She herself has pushed herself beyond her limit. Had she not had such a large amount of aether or me by her side, she would have died many times before now."

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