Chapter 7

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"It's been a long time, hasn't it Crow."

The person pulled off his hood. He smiled wickedly as he looked at me. His black hair, pale skin, and redish brown eyes only aided his evil look.

"Who's this guy?" Eren asked, not understanding what was happening.

"Does the kid really not know who I am?" Crow questioned.

"Hey! Don't call me a kid! It's okay when White calls me kid, but not a moron like you!"

"Kid..." I warned him.

"Why you insolent little shit!" Crow growled.

"Kid, keep your mouth shut and don't do anything stupid."


"I said keep your mouth shut!" I snapped at him.

Eren looked stunned and a little hurt. I didn't mean to snap at him, but the more he said, the more danger he was putting himself into. If he knew who he was dealing with, he wouldn't be so stupid as to tick off Crow.

"If the kid doesn't know who I am, we should tell him, shouldn't we White? My partner in crime. My best friend. The only person who ever cared. But in the end, you were just like the rest of them. You turned your back on me and abandoned me."

"Says the one that went against everything we stood for. Or at least what I stood for." I growled.

"Wait, is he the one you created the Black Angels with?" Eren asked.


"So you're the one that screwed over White!"

"Kid, please don't."

"Hey, White, how should I kill the kid?"

I moved in front of Eren protectively in response to his question. Crow glared at Eren then looked to me.

"White, please come home with me. We can disappear from all of this." Crow said.

I clenched my fists. I couldn't tell if he was being serious or he was just screwing with my head. Crow had to know that part of me still wanted things to be the way they used to. Eren stepped out from behind me and glared at Crow.

"White will never go with you! She deserves better than to be with a person like you! White is a kind and smart person and one hell of a mage! I may not be able to do much, but I'll protect White with my life!" He yelled at Crow.

I stared at him in shock. No one had ever spoken about me like that. The strange feeling in my chest flared up again.

"Eren's right. Leave Crow, unless you want to turn this into a battle."

"I'll be back and next time I'm taking you with me White. And the kid will end up dead." Crow growled before disappearing.

I sighed, trying not to fall apart. I planned on never facing Crow again. Eren looked at me worriedly. He took my hand and smiled.

"Come on, cheer up crazy mage lady. Everything's okay." Eren said, trying to cheer me up.

I laughed a little and smiled. Eren started down the path, dragging me along.

"We need to get to the School of Magic soon and we need to speed up my training. When Crow comes back, I want to be able to fight him with you. I'll protect you white, I promise."


"Hmm? What is it?"

"Never mind, it's nothing."

"So, what's the next step in my training?"

"Well, we need to boost your physical strength and endurance."



"Kid, don't push yourself too hard."

"Come on White, who do you think I am? I could do this for days."

"At least stop and eat something, you fool."

Eren dropped off of the branch he had been using to do pull ups. He was obviously lying about not pushing himself too hard, I could see him breathing hard. He had been working out for almost two hours. Eren sat on the ground next to me and I handed him a bowl of stew. It had been almost a week since our run in with Crow and we'd make it to the School of Magic soon.

"It's amazing how the crazy mage lady can be such a great cook."

"Idiot, of course I am, mages make great cooks. By the time you get out of magic school, you'll be a decent cook at least. And do you really still have to call me crazy mage lady?"

"Yes. And why do you still call me kid? I don't even think you've called me by my name once."

"Really? I call you Eren when I'm talking to Book."

"Are you serious!? You didn't even notice?"


"I can't believe you, White. Hey, Book, you've been pretty quiet over there, you okay?"

Book didn't respond.

"Book, stop being jealous." I said.

"I most certainly am not!"

"Yeah, they why didn't you respond to me and not Eren?"

"Because I choose not to."

"Mhmm, sure." I said sarcastically.

"I am not jealous."

"Yes, you are, Book."

"I am not."

"Then what's on your....mind?"


"You would only say that if you were jealous and were too stubborn to admit it."

"Don't you dare try to reverse psychology me."

"Come on Book, you can tell me what's wrong."

"It's really nothing."

"Alright, if you feel like talking, you always have a mage and half a mage to talk to."

"Half a mage?" Eren asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You're right, that's incorrect. I meant to say a normal person with the slightest hint of magic."

"Why you!"

Eren tackled me, knocking me off the stone I was sitting on. He pinned me to the ground, leaving me startled and surprised. I looked away, hiding my face as my heart beat speed up. Eren leaned in closer.

"Are you okay? You would usually never let yourself be attacked like that." He said.

"No, you just surprised me. And- Oh god, Eren please put on a shirt!"

"What? Can you not handle my new muscles?"

"Please, just put on a shirt!"

Eren sighed and got up.

"You're an idiot." I said, sitting up.

"And yet you haven't gotten rid of me."


A/N- Been awhile since I last posted a chapter and someone (you know who you are) reminded me today. And don't judge me about the end! This isn't the first time I've written stuff like that. Anyhoo, I've been working on a new story with things from an older one that I was working on, but whatever. Bluh, well....enjoy....I guess.

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