Chapter 18

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"Hey White, is it true you had a crush on Eren when you were younger?" Abby asked.


We were outside on the grounds for class the Shade. Kayla and Abby had approached me and now Eren looked like a startled deer. Cain, who was nearby, was now laughing like there was no tomorrow as I started chasing Eren.

"I'm going to kill you!"

"You can't and won't!"

"I can and I will."

"Crap, crap, crap!"

I froze as a large shadow passed over. Someone, a girl in the class, started screaming. I started running as soon as she began to descend. Eren was close at my heels while the dragon in front of us roared.

"Laviya, we've talked about this!"

"I simply came to inform you that I am leaving."


"I'm going to the Caves. It's Rosalie."

"Zara's child?"


"Man, I wish I could be there. But I have to deal with my own crazy kids to deal with. Send my regards, will ya?"

"I will miss you, little one."

"Don't get mushy on me."

Despite my words, I scratched her snout when she nudged me. And soon she was gone, turning into a dot on the horizon. As much as I wanted to go with her and see my friends from the other countries, I had to stay here. And anyway, there was something much better right here. Arcana was the farthest north of the four countries and separated by the Arcanian mountains. The four countries were like point of a compass, Arcana to the north, Logas to the south, Theodore to the west, and Camalot to the east. In the center was the Caves, the home of the dragons.

"Wait, shouldn't I be running?"

Eren started running off in the opposite direction.

"Alright, now that we've finished up that section we'll start moving into actual spellwork. I hope all of you have been doing well in Latin, it will be vital to your casting. It may not be the first culture to use magic but it is the one most used. So, turn to page 394 to see our first spell. We won't start today but-"

The door to the classroom opened loudly in the middle of my lesson. It had been a few weeks since Laviya left and the first snow had already begun. Genevieve looked like she had run here as she entered. Stray hairs covered her face as she looked at me in panic.

"Lady White, a letter. From the royal family." She panted.

I hurried between the desk rows as Genevieve held out the letter. Sure enough, the wax seal on the letter had the royal crest on it. I read the letter then carefully read it again. I growled in frustration and punched the wall. Which wasn't a good idea, I may have split the skin on knuckles.

"Damn it, of course they have to send him so late in the semester."

"Him? You don't mean-?"

"Yeah, the little prince himself."

It was cold outside, of course I didn't feel it. Not only because of my natural resistance to it, in formal situations, Genevieve refused to let me wear my usual clothes. I had to wear a grey tunic that had sleeves that went all the way down to cover my wrists and had a loop around my middle finger. My pants and boots were fine, but I was also forced to wear a black long coat with the inside lined in purple. It was cold enough for the snow to start sticking to the ground, just barely but enough. I stood with my arms crossed, highly annoyed by this whole situation.

"They will be here soon, won't they? I hate waiting on people."

"He's from the royal family, he won't be the easiest person to deal with. Please mind your temper when he's here, White."

"Alright, alright, I know. We need the royal family's support to keep the school going."

There was a sudden commotion around the corner of the castle. The familiarity of one of the voices made me very nervous. And my suspicions were correct when we came running around the corner. Eren being held back by his friends, yelling at the opposing party and the opposing party also being held back and yelling. The fine clothes and armored companions of the opposing party made me groan internally. Genevieve glanced at me nervously as we hurried towards them, as if wondering what she should do without angering me. But I knew exacly what to do. Eren had fought his way free and was going at the other person, who was still being restrained.

"Ferrum refrenatione!" I yelled.

Iron shackles shot out of the ground and closed around Eren's wrists, holding him back. Everyone looked our way in confusion and surprise. Their squabble had attracted a lot of attention. The other person pushed his companions off and straightened his clothing.

"What the hell is this?" Eren questioned, struggling against the bindings.

"Iron shackles, you're not getting out of them." I answered, finally reaching them.


Eren seemed utterly confused. Not only because I had restrained him, I could see him eyeing the new clothes. I ignored him, instead stepping in front of the other party. Placing an arm to my midsection, I bowed deeply.

"Prince Landon, I apologize for my students behavior. I hope this does not diminished your view of the School of Magic."

"You're Lady Erimoor? The headmistress and Grey Mage?"

"Indeed, Your Highness."

"I think I'm going to like it here."

"You stay away from her! I don't care who you are, stay away from her!"

"Eren, I didn't want to have to do this." I sighed, keeping my back to him. "Take him to the dungeon for detainment."

"What!? White!? What do you-!? Get off of me! Let go!"

I tried to ignore his shouting, but it didn't exactly work. I flinched everytime he called out my name. But I didn't turn around. Not because I wouldn't acknowledge him, because I couldn't face him with the betrayal. I couldn't risk the prince getting pissed off, then the royal family getting pissed off. I would just have to put up with the prince and fix things with Eren later.

"If the three of you try to follow, I'll have you separated and put in detention for a week." I said, addressing Cain, Abby, and Kayla. "Prince Landon, please follow me."

"I do hope you can forgive Eren, he's a brilliant mage but....well things are a little complicated."

"I was simply speaking of you to my guards and he comes in trying to charge me."

"Of course." I sighed. "That's usually the only thing that gets him so worked up. I hope he'll come around and make attempts at peace."

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