Chapter 3

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"I never thought swords were this heavy! The knights make it look so easy." Eren complained as he carried the two swords on his back.

"Quit complaining." I said as we walked down the street.

I pulled the swords off his back and effortlessly put them on my shoulder by their straps. Eren frowned and tried to grab the swords back. I held my arm out, holding him arms length away. When he lunged at me, I grabbed him by the back of the shirt and dragged him behind me. Eren pouted as people stared.

"This is so demeaning." Eren pouted.

"Oh? The kid can use big words? Congrats, kid."

"Ugh! You're just making it worse. And how are you so damn strong!?"

"Mages have to be strong. You're channeling crazy amounts of energy and your body has to withstand it. What, did you think being a mage just meant learning spells? There's a reason the mages built a school."

Eren didn't reply. I let go of him and reached for Book, that was now pocket size, from a holder on the right of my belt. I opened his pages and looked at the map. The last two shops had nothing to offer and there was only one more shop. I entered the shop with Eren in tow, and put the swords on the counter.

"700 denna for each." I said.

"Hmm. Good craftsmanship, well cared for, however I believe 700 is too much. I can offer you 500 denna each." The man behind the counter said, after examining the swords.


"I will offer no more than 600 denna each."

"600 it is."

"Thank you, m'lady. 1200 denna for you."

I took the denna from the man and put it into my right holder, where Book stored it in his pages. I was about to leave when the door to the shop opened. The man ducked under his counter. I heard the faint sound of a knife being drawn and Eren gasp. I looked back and saw a kid, maybe no more 18, holding a knife to Eren's neck. He was wearing all black and had his hood up. I glanced at the black wings tattooed on his wrist.

"Give me your money and anything valuable you got. And your lady is pretty nice too, I'll be taking her with me." The kid said.

"I don't think so."

I flash stepped, snatching Eren away from the man. Eren put his hands to his neck as if trying to make sure it was there. The man looked stunned and I used that moment to pin him against the wall. I snatched a dagger from my boot and held it against his neck.

"So, you're a new Black Angel? How pathetic. Crow must be pretty desperate if he's recruiting morons like you."

"Who are you!?"

My hair started turning white again as I released my spell. The kid's eyes got wide.

"We thought you were dead!"

"Tell Crow the Grey Mage is alive and well. Also, if I find him, I will not hesitate to hurt him." I said, threateningly.

I let go of him and he ran. I put away my knife and turned to Eren, who was still freaking out. He froze as I put a finger under his chin. I lifted his chin up and gave a quick look at his neck. There was a faint line from the pressure of the knife, but it didn't break the skin. The man peeked over the counter.

"You. You're the Grey Mage. This is great news!" He cried.

He jumped up and ran outside. He ran through the streets screaming 'The Grey Mage is back! The Grey Mage has returned to the kingdom!'. I sighed.

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