Chapter 19

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Trying to focus on my work wasn't really helping distracting me from the horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. It would be dinner time soon, and Eren would be let out as well. Eren would be angry without a doubt. I felt so guilty. He trusted me and I turned my back on him. Just like Crow did to me. My head snapped up as the door opened. Eren stormed past without looking at me. Following him into our shared bedroom to find him gathering his books and packing his things.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to room with Cain."

"What? Eren, I know you're mad, but let me-"

I tried to stop him and explain, but he was already pushing past me.


I tried to grab his arm before he got out of the office. But I was repelled by an invisible force.

"That...that was a wind barrier."

"I study." Eren growled before storming out of the room, leaving me in shock.

Hearing him slam the door behind him sent me to my knees. I had only seen his eyes filled with that much hate once, but it was directed at Crow. And just then, all the hate was directed at me. I had always known what the phrase 'hanging on by a thread' meant, but I had never known what it was like for that last thread to snap. I could hear the sound of glass shattering in the back of my mind as everything seemed to shatter around me. But I had to keep myself together, at least for now.

I sat at the head table as usual. But I kept my eyes on my food today, simply pushing my food around. Landon kept making passes at me, but I just sat there quietly. I was too disheartened to notice Genevieve's worried eyes. Eventually I just stood up, leaving my food untouched, and left out the side door.

"Have you noticed how White's been acting?" Kayla asked.

"Yeah, she seems depressed." Abby replied.

"What's it matter?"

Abby and Kayla punched me on either shoulder, getting a grunt of pain out of me. Cain, who was laying across the grass at the ends our feet as we leaned against our tree by the lake, sighed, but I could see him suppressing his laughs.

"My god, Eren Hawthorne, you are the stupidest, most ignorant, obvious bastard." Abby growled. "You're the whole cause of it."

"Not my fault she choose that prick over me."

Kayla slapped the back of my head.

"Moron, she had to choose him. That was crowned prince Landon Guinevere of the royal family of Arcana. White has been trying for years to do her best to make the school self sustainable and she's making great strides towards, but it's not there just yet. The royal family supports the school and Landon is a spoiled rotten little prince. If he has has the royal family pull it's support, the school will be shut down or at least greatly reduced."

"You want White to lose the only thing she has left of her parents?" Cain questioned at my feet.

"No, I don't."

"You didn't hear it her voice after they took you away. She sounded so heartbroken and guilty. You really don't see how much she needs you, do you? You fix her, make it seem like all those wounds never existed, you gave her a fresh start. White won't admit it, but she loves you." Abby said, trying to get it in my head.

"Please try to make peace with Landon. For White."

White walked in the classroom the next morning, quieter and slower than usual. She was back in her usual clothes but kept the coat. She had only just gotten in the door and Landon was trying to flirt with her rather painfully obvious to everyone but him. White however, simply picked up her textbook. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and stood up, my chair scraping across the wooden floor. Landon was seated across the main aisle, so all I had to do was stand up and take a few steps towards him.

The White MageTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang