Chapter 12

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"This is awesome, right!?" White shouted over the wind.

"Speak for yourself!" I screamed, clinging tighter to White.

"I second that!" Cain screamed from Laviya's claws.

White's suggestion was to ride the Laviya back to the school. I objected profusely, but Cain didn't have a problem with it until he learned where his place was. The Laviya could only hold two people on her back, so she carried Cain in her claws. I sat behind White with my arms tightly wrapped around her waist. I had my head ducked down, pressed against the nape of her neck and my eyes shut tight. White looked back at me with a smile.

"Like the ride?"

"Hell no!"

"What, are you afraid of heights?"

"I thought that was obvious!"

White laughed. Soon, the Laviya started to descend. People came pouring out of the castle as the Laviya landed softly in the grass after setting down Cain.

"Eren, you can let go of me now."


"And why is that?"

"Still panicking."

"But we're on the ground."

"Doesn't matter."

"Eren, this is embarrassing. What are people going to think when they see their headmistress with a male student latched onto her?"

"Don't care."

"Well, I do."

White pried my arms lose and pushed me off. I landed in a crouch then flattened myself on the ground.

"Oh sweet, sweet ground."

White and the Laviya looked at each other then looked back at me. They sighed, a puff of smoke coming out of the Laviya's nostrils. White slid off it's back and gave it a small scratch under the chin. Then she grabbed and lifted Cain and I up by the back of our shirts.

"I am never doing that again." I said weakly.

"Agreed." Cain said, just as weakly as I had.

Cain and I started walking towards the castle when a large, black scaled tail landed in front of us. We turned around to see the Laviya staring at us with it's glassy white eyes. She moved her head closer to us.

"Protect the things you hold dear."

Even though the Laviya's eyes were completely blank, I swore I could see it's eyes look towards White. It pulled back again and took off into the sky. Cain and I looked at each other and cracked a smile. Then we walked into the castle. As we did, I looked over my shoulder. White smiled with a tender look in her eyes.


I sat down at one of the four long tables in the main hall. Cain slid in across from me, soon followed by the brown haired girl next to him and the blonde girl next to me.

"I don't think we were properly introduced. I'm Kayla." The brown haired girl said.

"And you can call me Abby." The blonde one said.

"Well, you already know I'm Eren and that's Cain."

"So, you two really went against the headmistress's orders?" Abby asked.

"It's Cain's fault." I said flatly.

"Oh, come on. That was pretty awesome. I mean who gets to ride a dragon!? There are only a few people in history to ride a dragon." Cain argued.

The White MageTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang