Chapter 6

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I watched Eren sleeping peacefully. Just using one spell had worn him out. He would probably sleep for half a day until his aether was fully restored to normal. I slowly reached out and stroked his hair.

"You really have created a strange bond with the boy."

I remained silent.

"Is it because he reminds you of Crow?"

"That's the funny thing, he reminds me nothing of Crow. While Crow would beat around the bush, Eren was straightforward and honest. Where Crow would hide behind a friendly face, but wasn't so friendly, Eren's the complete opposite. Where Crow only wanted power to control others, Eren wants to help people."

"Could this be love?"

"No, but the kid's pretty special. I feel like it's my obligation to take care of him and take him to the School of Magic."

"How interesting. I believe I'm jealous now. If only you felt that way towards me."

Eren shifted in his sleep, causing me to retract my hand quickly. He slept on, not even noticing. His face scrunched up as if he were having a nightmare. I started stroking his hair again and he relaxed. I felt a strange feeling in my chest but pushed it away.

"Hush, Book. Don't wake him."


I sat up, combing my fingers through my hair. Eren was still asleep, so I quickly and quietly slipped on my boots.

"Book, I'll be back. I'm going to get some food."

"Alright, but don't do anything stupid."

"Who do you think you're talking to?"

"Just saying."

I sighed and headed for the door. It was still early, and a hell of a lot earlier than I usually woke up. I crept through the silent hallway, heading downstairs. The tavern was almost empty, with only a few travelers that would leaving after breakfast. I quickly spoke to the barmaid and sat down at a table while I waited.

I kept my head down as a man in a black cloak walking into the tavern. His face and body were completely covered, but by the way his aether moved, I knew he was a man maybe in his late twenties. He looked around and moved towards the counter. As he passed by, he slipped a note onto my table. I waited until he was speaking with the barmaid to read it. There were four simple words on the note.

The Angels are watching.

My body stiffened as I read the note. The safest place for Eren now was the School of Magic. If they were after me, I had to get Eren away from me as soon as possible. As soon as Eren woke up, we'd be leaving. The man left and I hurried upstairs with the food.

"Is something wrong White?" Book asked, seeing my pale face.

"I got a note from the Angels. We'll need to leave as soon as possible. I need to get Eren to the School of Magic before they catch up to us."

"Right. And the boy should be waking up an second, his aether movement is picking up."

As if on cue, Eren groaned. He sat up, rubbed his eyes, and looked at me. I set down the food and went to sit next to him. He stared at me in a sleepy daze as I combed his hair with my fingers.

"Hurry up kid, we got to leave soon."

"Why?" He asked sleepily.

"You want to get to the School of Magic as soon as possible, right?"

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