Chapter 11

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Something small, fast, and glowing a faint blue was flying towards White. White seemed to notice it at the same time. She held out her hand, frost gathering a glove over her hand. The blue lines were starting to spread out from the snowflake marking on her cheek. Without her usual clothes to hide them, I could see many more line on her legs and midriff. I couldn't see if she had any on her back because as usual, her hair coved her back.

The small blue thing landed in her hand and I could finally see it. A little humanoid creature landed in White's hand. I hand just see a picture of one of these in my textbook. It was a fairy.

"My lady! My lady! The Laviya! The Laviya!" It said, paniced.

"Laviya? Shade, take all the students inside now!" White said, pulling out a pocket sized Book. "Book, notify all school staff at once, everyone off the grounds immediately."

"Right away."

"I'm going to deal with this, everyone go now."

Everyone grabbed their stuff and hurried towards the school. I watched White as she raced off towards the forest. Her hair shifted as she ran, allowing me to see her back for the first time. A pair of tattooed black angel wings decorated her back. I turned away, about to head up to the castle. Someone suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind the hut. I was pushed against the wall and a hand covered my mouth. I glared at Cain and pushed him away.

"What are you doing!?" I hissed.

"We're the strongest people in our class, don't tell me you don't want to know about this 'Laviya' thing. Come on, Lady White might need us if a fight or something starts."

"White doesn't need our help, she's perfectly capable of taking care of herself."

"But what if they ambush her?"

I stopped. I looked back at the forest, an uneasy feeling growing in my chest. I stared at Cain with a serious look.

"Only for White, not for you." I said, giving him a hard shove with my shoulder as I walked past.

"That's good enough for me."

I walked at a brisk pace as we entered the forest. Keeping tabs on every sound and movement, I looked around. The forest was quiet and still. Had I not been worried about White, I would have taken time to stop and admire the beautiful scenery of the forest.

"What do you thing the Laviya are? What if they're a rouge band of mages? Or a race of deadly creatures? What if-"

I stopped and slapped my hand over his mouth, giving him a firm glare. After a moment, I dropped my hand and started walking again.

"What's got you in a twist?"

"The possibility that White's in danger, duh!"

"So, what is the deal with you and Lady White?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I saw you messing around with her and that's usually not something you do with your headmistress. You showed up with her, you don't call her Lady White, you are crazy defensive about her, she taught you. What's the deal?"

"She saved me from some soldiers about a week ago and when I told her where I was going, she took me here while teaching me the basics of magic as we traveled."

"Why were you being chased by soldiers?" Cain asked, eyeing me warily.

"These were those spoiled guys from rich families. I insulted them, saying they did nothing but lounge around and take advantage of the people of that town. They chased me and White saved me."

"Huh. So, what's-"

"Shh, I think I heard something."

Crunch. Crunch.

It sounded like heavy footsteps. I heard a low rumbling and slowly turned around. I felt as if my heart stopped as I was paralyzed with fear. A large dragon towered over us. It's scales were a shiny black, it's wings leathery and bat like, and it's mouth filled with sharp dagger like teeth. It turned it's head and looked at us with it's glassy white eyes.

"I am the Laviya, the dragon of truth. Speak what you hold most dear to you, or I shall keep you here until my master arrives."

"My pride. My pride is important to me because my father told me to be a man of pride." Cain said, his voice shaking.

"Then it must be you who does not admit the truth." The Laviya said, turning to me.

I no longer was scared. There was almost something familiar about this dragon, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I thought about what the Laviya was asking.

"My magical ability, like my mom had. She went of to battle but she was killed, and my father scorned magic since then. When I said I wanted to become a mage like my mother, my father refused and I ran away. Then I met someone and began learning magic."

"That is the wrong answer."

"But that's the only think I can think of!"

"Sometimes the answer is one we've always known, but have never understood. You cannot answer correctly because you have not found the answer yourself. Look again, child."

An answer I have not found myself? What could that mean? I couldn't think of anything. I stared at the Laviya's large white eye and it stared back at me. Then it hit me, I didn't have time to talk with a dragon, I needed to find White. I was worried something had happened to her.

"So you have found your answer."


The Laviya suddenly let out a loud roar. I covered my ears, shrinking away from it. When it ended it's roar, it crouched down.


White came running through the bushes, looking breathless and paniced. She immediately put herself between me and the Laviya. A soft purr came from the Laviya.

"Laviya, what have I told you! You know not to go running around on the grounds. You're a freaking dragon! You freak people out! And sometimes people don't like facing the truth!"

"Yes, master."

White sighed and turned to Cain and I. Then smacked us both in the head.

"You idiots! I told you to go back to the castle! The only reason I am not punishing you is because you're okay!" White yelled, her eyes growing teary.

"I know, I'm sorry White."

I stepped forward and gently pulled White into a hug. Her skin was surprisingly warm compared to what I thought. White pulled away, shaking her head.

"We're a long way from the school and we don't want to miss class. Laviya?"

"Of course master."

A/N- So, I got roped into posting a chapter every Friday in exchange for my friends also posting chapters. That's happening I guess. Little bit shorter chapter but at this time I was still trying to figure out where this was quite going, but this also kind of sets up some stuff. The upcoming chapters are going to be more of actual storyline and action. The part I'm actually work on (sort of right now, I'm mostly working with another one) is going to be a lot more action and traveling, and include some real fighting. That's all I got, so bye.

(Fyi- chucknash and JamesVonStrauss still waiting for those chapters!)

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