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Naruto and Hinata fcking during their mission

(Author's notes: This drabble is SFW because obviously, that meant frolicking, right? :p)

"Psst, Udon!" Konohamaru said as he elbowed his teammate in the stomach. "Do you think Naruto-nii-chan and Hinata-nee-chan are off somewhere doing the dirty?"

Udon sniffled and adjusted his glasses. "I don't really know, Konohamaru. And I don't really care."

Konohamaru smirked. "Hehe, I bet they are. They've been gone for ten minutes. That's enough time to do it, right?"

They heard the clatter of branches falling on logs and both looked up to see Moegi dropping the kindling she'd gathered onto the side of the fire the two of them had just built.

She looked at them suspiciously. "What are you two doing? I told you guys to start cooking! You boys are in charge of that tonight! I did it yesterday."

"Yeah, I'm on it, Moegi!" Konohamaru sprang away from Udon and went to quickly gather the cooking set from the tents.

As he walked towards their tents, he could hear Moegi pestering Udon about their conversation. "What were you guys whispering about?"

Konohamaru tensed, but loosened up again when Udon answered, "Nothing, Moegi."

"You guys, come on!" Moegi said. "I don't want Naruto-senpai and Hinata-senpai to think our team is slacking on this training exercise."

Which had Konohamaru grinning to himself. "We're not the ones slacking off," he murmured in a low voice.

When he came back with the pots and pans and the rest of their food, he saw Moegi staring off into the woods with a worried frown. "It's been fifteen minutes. They said they were checking for the perimeter and getting more supplies. I hope nothing bad happened to them."

Konohamaru snorted, but he bent down and started taking out the rations they'd packed as part of their supply for this survival training mission. The five of them, his team and Naruto and Hinata, were together for the next three days.

But as soon as it had turned dark, he'd seen Naruto-nii-chan's hand wander slowly over Hinata-nee-chan's back. He'd managed to squeeze her butt before she smacked his hand away. "Naruto, no! We are on a mission with the kids!"

Naruto-nii-chan had glanced behind him to meet Konohamaru's gaze. Konohamaru had quietly flashed him a thumbs up, which made the boss laugh.

"Hinata! I don't think they mind. They know we're a couple."

But Hinata had stopped walking and met Moegi's gaze, who was frowning at Naruto. She glanced back at Naruto and shook her head again. "No, on this mission, we're not a couple. We're teammates."

Moegi had nodded with approval.

Still, Konohamaru thought, as he stirred the pot of the cooking curry. They've been gone for so long, he was sure they were having sex somewhere.

"I hope they didn't run into trouble," Moegi murmured as she came to sit next to him and Udon.

Konohamaru looked up with a sly smile. He waggled his eyebrows at her. "Moegi, don't be silly. Nothing bad happened. Isn't it obvious? They're doing couple stuff they don't want us to see."

Moegi gasped and then blushed. "No, you're wrong, Konohamaru. Hinata-senpai wouldn't do stuff like that!"

Konohamaru's grin was smug. "You're wrong, Moegi. I know Naruto-nii-chan convinced her. They're doing it somewhere, I tell you!"

Udon, sensing trouble, tried to intervene. "Guys, let's not argue about this."

Konohamaru and Moegi ignored him.

Moegi folded her arms and glared at Konohamaru. "No way! She's stronger and more stubborn than he is. Never in a million years would she have sex when she's working, especially with other people around."

Konohamaru only laughed. "That's what you think. He's a pervert so he can get around her reasoning."

"What was that?!"

All three turned around to see Naruto with more logs in his arms glaring at Konohamaru. Hinata was standing next to him, red in the face, but she was holding their dripping water canisters in their hands.

Moegi discreetly looked at their clothing, saw that everything was neat, and smirked at Konohamaru. "Hah! They didn't do it," she hissed in an undertone. "They look like they didn't take off their clothes and then dress in a hurry."

"That's your proof?" Konohamaru scoffed. "Moegi, don't you know you don't need to take off all your clothes to have sex?!"

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