Chapter 22: Magical Girls Fantasy part 2 (Rewrite)

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"What's taking her so long?" Ajuka silently uttered with a frustated tone.

"Well, maybe she have some big problem, while on the road," Sirzechs said.

"Sirzechs, we are talking about Serafall here? We both know her, especially around office work," Ajuka said.

"Don't worry, she will arrive soon," Sirzechs ease his friend worries.

"She better be!" An old yet auhtoritive voice call them out.

That old and piss off tone, was very familiar to them, as they always heard such tone nearly everyday when ever they were summoned in the capital. There behind them, walking out from the door, was a single tall old man with a menacing features. Wearing a red and gold robes, that cover his noble suit so it can't be easily dirty. Standing aproximetly 200 cm in high, with a long grey hair flowing back, even in a slick back hairstyle. He was the highest person in the room, with a face that indicate that he had live a very long years in his entire life.

That man, was Angurish Barbatos, one of the 10 council members, and their leader, that keep and maintain the order of the Underworld, by aiding the Maou in their task. And the former head of the Barbatos family, which he left to the next heir, as he persue the order of the Underworld, to his top priorty than his own family. He was the last of the remaining old generation, that was born at the era, that the former and first ever ruler of hell rise. He was one of the limited numbera of the oldest devil, that still derive in the Underworld. Not only that, but he is also the second oldest living devil, that had survive the Great War, and many more.

"Angruish-sama," Sirzechs and Ajuka bowed in respect.

"Sirzechs... From the Gremory... Ajuka... From the Astaroth... And lastly, Serafall... From the Sitri. You three young ones, are the current strongest and smartest devils in this generation, because of that. One must! Keep their compusure in check, no matter what! And being late for this important meeting is one of them," Angruish voice was rough and auhtoritive, yet possessed a deep truth, even if he sound like a piss off old man.

"Our apology, Angruish-sama. But Serafall, won't miss such meeting," Ajuka said.

"Are you certain? The young lady, that had been quite notorious, for being late in a meeting, no matter if it important or not. Such action, is not befiting a name of one of the seven Maou," Angruish said.

Just as he spoke out, Serafall then appear behind both Sirzechs, and Ajuka through the use of a portal. As Serafall was about to do her introduction, she was shut quickly, once her gaze, landed on Angruish.

"My apology for being late!" Serafall bowed in apologetic way.

"Hmph..." Angruish scoffed. "That better be the last of your immature act, come! The meeting will soon begin,"

Angruish then open the door once again, leaving the three young devils in the room, with Angruish leaving them. Sirzechs can finally let out a sigh, while Ajuka had a tick mark emerge on his forehead, as his gaze soon landed on the woman behind him.

"Sorry!" Serafall said.

"Sorry!? You're late! Again!" Ajuka shouted.

"I know! But I never knew, the meeting will be watch by Angruish-sama! I though, it will be the usual council meeting!" Serafall pleaded her defense.

"That's why, I texted you yesterday! But no, you didn't even read it, didn't you?" Ajuka said.

"Um... No," Serafall smiled nervously.

"This...!" Ajuka can only silently growl under his breath.

"Just keep the bickering for later, Ajuka, Serafall! We need to head to the meeting room now," Sirzechs said.

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