eight. reality and logic

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RUNNING TOWARDS a the lab room, Phoenix grabbed the keys that hanged near the door

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RUNNING TOWARDS a the lab room, Phoenix grabbed the keys that hanged near the door. As soon as everyone was in, she slammed it shut and immediately secured the locks on the door, whilst Deena and Sam tried to drag a desk in front of the door to stop them from entering. Like it would help, Phoenix thought. You just banged them into pieces and nothing happened. You're fucked. We're fucked.

"Come on! They're coming!" Deena yelled, urging for Sam to drag the desk faster against the door.

"We're fucked!" Simon yelled angrily, slamming his fists against a desk table. Phoenix let out a loud yell, wanting to do nothing except run back home. It wasn't her, anyway. She could sit this one out, right? She technically wasn't even who Sarah Fier wanted dead.

Neither was Simon. Or Kate. Or Deena. Or Josh.

"No, no! We are not fucked!" Kate responded, looking over at Sam. "She's fucked. They're coming for her. If we out Sam in the hall, we end this now."

"You're a monster," Deena said, walking over to Kate, anger starting to rise up.

Phoenix sighed. Anger is useful only to a certain point. After that, it becomes rage, and rage will make you careless.

Fuck that.

"Kate's being reasonable, Deena!" Phoenix yelled, pulling her own hair out of frustration. Her pale cheeks were flushed, hands shaking, as she continued to yell at her friend. "So many people have died for tonight. For what? Just so we can save one person?"

"We can't run anymore!" Kate chimed in, the same frustration on her face. "A bullet won't stop them, fine. They're really strong. But we just tried to goddamn explode them, and that didn't work!"

"So you two are suggesting killing her?"

"I mean, that's not exactly what they're saying," Josh added.

"Oh, so you're on her side?" Deena accused.

"You'd let us all die to protect her. Look at this," Kate started, taking Josh's bag off of his shoulder with so much brute force. She unzipped the backpack, threw it away, and took out each of the articles. "Okay, all of this. Dead, dead, dead!" She knocked them off of the table, the papers falling onto the floor. "This is the way. It's the only way. Sam's gotta go."

"Are you kidding me?"

"Deena, let's be realistic here." Phoenix whisper-yelled. "Five people die or one person dies? Do you not see this?"

"Kate and Phoenix are right," Sam interrupted, inhaling deeply. "I don't want you guys to die for me. I'm going. I'm ending this."

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