Chapter 3 City of Angels

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AN : Im sorry guys i had a busy week and i was out of ideas until i heard Emblem3 over and over. I have to say they are way inspirational I love these guys. Anyway to make it up i have written this long chapter if you guys are interested :P


"Lets take a trip to sunset boulevard in the city of stars"

" uh-huh"

Oh my!!! Im freaking out because now Emblem3 are back, and just a minute ago i got winked by Wesley Stromberg!!! Not only that but I hung out with him back at the beach. Okay I really have to calm down i really don't have a chance with him, besides I have a boyfriend already so it wouldn't work out.






Victoria starts to scream like a caged monkey once Drew sang his rap.



" I like my ladies like I like my Brady's in BUNCHES"

" I got the six pack I ain't talking about the CRUNCHES"

" Hit it till i quit it like Tyson's PUNCHES"

Drew started rapping over Victoria's screams.

" Ahhh Drew I LOVE YOU!! CALL ME!!" she said doing the call me sign.

WTF Victoria seriously you are a creeper haha. I smiled at my own comment and she gave me look that said 'BACK OFF HE'S MINE!' look. I stuck my tongue at her showing her i didn't care he's obviously her's.

They finished singing 'Sunset boulevard', TEQUILA SUNRISE, CURIOUS, SAY WHAT YOU MEAN, and HEARTS OUT.

Man Drew is awesome I would kill to have his amazing rap skills. oh Keaton was a sweet singer and his awkward moves no wonder Amber loves him. Wesley is really talented not to mention HOT!!! Ugh snap out of it you got a bf Val.

Anyway I wouldn't kill but Im in love with Drew's raps. If i said that out loud I swear Victoria will murder me. She is a fighter despite how cute and tiny she is. She broke my leg before back when she was 12 and i was 14. I remember I told her that I liked Nick Jonas from the Jonas brothers and 'SNAP' went my leg as she swung her leg in the air. She's a little less violent now that I put her in those anger issues class. Yup she cooled down but she's mad at me for putting her in that class.

She is feared by her classmates even Big Betty, who I thought was a guy the first time I met her. Its my fault for assuming she was a guy she has a 6 pack and like hairy pits! She still scares me to this day she tried to hit on me and I'm a girl.

Any way Victoria needed to be less violent my gramps and Amber agreed with me and I'm her guardian so basicly she's under my control. I know the real reason, but she will push me away when i brought it up, so i decided that counciling and therapy will work.

Amber and Victoria's screams brought me to my senses.

" Val stop frowning and cheer with us!"

" Alright then but don't scream in my ear or I won't be able to hear the music!" I glared at them.

I turned toward the stage as Emblem3 bowed and said their goodbyes to the fans. Wesley gave one more wink at me before leaving the stage. I was blushing like a tomato that is way embarassing! Immediately I found Amber and Victoria near my little black Fiat. I smiled one more time before heading to my girls.

" Val I'm tired " Victoria croaked.

" And I'm hella hungry " Amber included while patting her tummy.

" Alright I'll take a pit stop to McDonald's then we'll head home. To make it up for you guys I will take tomorrow off and take you guys shopping kay."

The girls nodded and I smiled.


Once we left the Drive Thru at McDonald's I started to feel uncomfortable. It was like someone was watching me. It was just a feeling until, Amber with her mouth stuffed with fries said," We are being favowed".


" I said 'followed' We are being followed Valentina! That blue porche behind us has been following us since we left McDonalds!" she huffed.

I groaned " Ugh what?! Now I have another creeper to worry about. I thought Nelson was enough! Seriously he eye rapes me everytime I get the groceries and he gives me fucken coupons to seduce me. I still don't know what to do with those coupons and now I have a McDonald's creeper!"

" Geeez calm your damn tits down! Victoria is sleeping and don't give me your whole life story, your making me loose my appetite! Eww Nelson" she eyed her fries in disgust.

Nodding in agreement, my iphone vibrated. I got a text from my boyfriend Zander. I pulled over to the edge of the sidewalk and took out my phone.

' Babe I miss you like crazy please call me as soon as you get home. Love you boo - Zander'

Oh shit! I totally forgot about my boyfriend!! I'm just horrible!

I was about to freak but I was stopped by a tap on the window and Amber's stuttering.

" O-oh mu-my g-g-gosh it's h-him! " she shakily said.

I couldn't believe it!


A.N: Guess who that mystery person is!!!! okay maybe that wasn't that long of a chapter like i promised but i kinda ran out of ideas. Sorry hopefully i will write my chapters on time

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