Chapter 18: Jealousy

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Wesley's P.O.V

Dammit! I slammed my Iphone on my nightstand. Anger boiled in my vains at the thought of Valentina with Zander. I'm pissed off with Val too...she ran off to Zander once I apologized. Does she think she can have a relationship with both us?

"Drew! I need your advice!" I yelled.

Drew walked casually in my room, with a serious expression.

" Yeah man? What is it? But make it quick cuz I just thought of an idea for a song."

" It won't take long. It's about that girl I was crushing on."

Drew's eyebrows lifted with curiousity.

" Ok so...I apologized and all, but next thing you know, she's sleeping at her ex's house. But here's the problem. I really don't know what to do about this."

I plopped down in my bed in frustration.

Drew plopped next to me with his arms resting on the bed frame.

"Well, honestly I think you should either make her more happy than Zander does, or....forget about her completely."

I groaned and tossed to my side, turning my back towards Drew.

Drew sat up from the bed and looked me straight in the eye.

" You're an awesome guy Wesley, no woman satisfises your needs, just keep that in mind."

He smiled and took his leave but suddenly stopped.

" Dude, where can I get a pretty honest girl? It's not fair that you and Keaton have girls worth fighting for. Where can I get a girl that I can have beautiful babies with and stay with my whole life?"

I squinted my eyes to think for a moment and a girl popped out of my head.

" What about Valentina's younger sister? She has big baby blues and wavy brown hair but she has some attitude, but she's your biggest fan."

Drew's eyes widened.

" How old is she?"

" Umm...about seventeen I guess?"

" Nah she's gonna look like jailbate, I'm gonna wait til shez at least 19."

My mouth dropped open.

I couldn't help but ask," Are you seriously gonna wait for her? You haven't even met her yet."

Drew chuckled. " I'm guessing she's the girl who always asks for my number and yells my name in concerts. She's a clear pale right?"

Surprised I nodded.

" Yeah I'll wait for her." He smiled again and left my room.

I couldn't believe he remembers a fan like Victoria Westwood.


" Wesleyyyyyyy!!!!!!" Keaton whined.

I sighed, " What?"

" I want a mocha pwease." He pouted his full lips.

Keaton and I have been walking Sampson all over the neighborhood and ended up at the public park sitting on a bench.

I turned towards Keaton who was still pouting.

I laughed at my brother. " Sure."

Keaton hopped off the bench and ran out of the park with a barking Sampson close at his heels.

These boys...

We were getting near Starbucks until I saw Zander and Val walk in. They were laughing as Zander had an arm wrapped around her. Anger flashed on my face again.

I grabbed Keaton who was holding Sampson our dog.

" Keaton! She's here!", I whispered.

Keaton rolled his eyes. " Yeah so? Who cares? I need my Starbucks."

Sampson whimpered at him.

That's right. I haven't told Keaton about how much I dislike Zander with Valentina.

" Yeah but we should wear disguises so people won't recognize us."

Keaton nodded in agreement. He didn't like it when people interupted his happy peace.

We both slipped on our sexy sunglasses, beanie, and fake mustache. We sticked on a fake mustache on Sampson aswell before we walked into Starbucks casually.

We ordered our drinks and sat down at a table in the corner of the coffee shop, giving us a perfect view of Zander and my 'girl'.

" Are we like spying on her?"

Keaton asked as he took a gulp out of his mocha.

" What? No? We are just admiring her from afar. That's all."

Keaton sighed. " Isn't that what spying is?

I shook my head and took a big sip out of my coffee.

We sat there in silence as we stared at Valentina holding a white puppy with an unsual black mustache.


Keaton and I stared at each other in shock and back at Valentina.

Fuck! How are we gonna get Sampson back? We both started to panic as Valentina stood up from her chair, holding Sampson and walking towards us!

" Excuse me sir, but I couldn't help but think if this cute puppy is yours?" Valentina asked as she cuddled Sampson which made me melt.

Keaton interupted before I can answer.

" Perdon? No hablo Ingliso?"

I have no idea what he said but I hope it saved our cover.

Valentina looked at Keaton confused and answered. " Es el su perrito señor?"

Keaton looked at me for help and I shrugged at him that I didn't know either.

" Umm....panito si !!!!" I hope that meant something.

Valentina smiled and gave back Sampson. Her green eyes wandering on mine before she left the coffee shop with Zander.

I think I am hopelessly in love.

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