Chapter 8: Tension

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Amber's P.O.V

" I remember!" I shouted,but it was a little too late Keaton passed out on the arcades filthy carpet. He was unconscious.

" Jerk!" I turned to Ethan who's lip was still bleeding. He shrugged his shoulders. "He had it coming sweetheart so don't trip."

He twirled his pocket knife around his fingers like a toy.

"Ahh you see this boys!! This is really handy when you come across a stubborn jackass trying to steal your territory and babe." He winked at me.

"Why did you do that!!! He didn't deserve it!! It should of been me!!" I started to call the cops.

Ethan laughed and took my cellphone away. Then he gave it too his crew, who were beating the shit out of each other for the device.

Helpless I turned toward the passed out Keaton and started to cry my eyes out. I pulled up his blood stained shirt . He had a big bloody bruise and an almost deep knife slice at the side of his stomach.

I need to get help! Where's Victoria?

" Victoria?"


What the hell was that??


I turned toward the noise and found a scared Victoria tied up on one of the arcade machines. She was kicking the machine like crazy with straps full of dutch tape on her mouth.

"OH MY GOSH VICTORIA!!!! LET ME HELP YOU!!" I ran toward her but I was stopped by a brunette british guy.

"I'm afraid you can't do that Sweetheart."


" Don't you understand you stubborn bitch! You cannot leave! We have you held hostage!" The brunette british guy rubbed his temples in annoyance.

Shit this guy is bossy! I thought all british guys where nice. Guess i was wrong! Dumb doushbag! Hmm maybe I can text Val before i get tied up by these creepers! But my phone got destroyed by those swaggies. Ughh wait! Victoria's phone!

" Alright british brunette I won't argue with you! Just let go to the bathroom after I give my friend Victoria here a farewell hug."

" Fine and Whats with the description I have a name you dumb blondie. It's Damien duh and I'm being paid a lot just to make you bitches suffer." Damien smirked.

" Exactly who is paying you to do this to us? Why?"

" That's top secret Blondie and it's none of your damn business!"

Whoa this guy has some problems. I stalked over to Victoria and gave her a long big hug. She stared at me puzzled like if I didn't care we were being held hostage. I smiled at her knowing my plan will work. Letting go of the embrace, Victoria's big blue eyes started to cry like a river. I took on glance at her and headed to the restroom hoping this will work.

Me: VAL!!! IT'S AMBER!!! HELP!!! WE ARE KIDNAPPED AND KEATON PASSED OUT HE'S LOOSING BLOOD! We are at the arcade by the pizzeria! I'm scared!

I started to run back and forth in the nasty,smelly grungy restroom. Waiting for Valentina to text back. Why isn't she texting back. I put my ear behind the door to distract myself.

I heard a door slam hard. The hard steps of the stranger getting closer. It was faint but i was able to make out the conversation between Ethan,Damien and the anonymous stranger.


Ethan stuttered, "T-The other-r one is at the bathroom s-sir."

Damien broke in," That blondie has been there for a while now, must of taken a dump. Phew!"

What the fuck I am merely listening to their conversation, but then again they don't know that.

I heard a glass shattering and a yell asuming it was the stranger. " WELL GO GET HER OUT OF THERE!! I DON'T GIVE A DAMN IF SHE'S CRAPPING HERSELF!! DO YOUR JOB DAMIEN!!"

There was a sigh coming from Damien. Then his footsteps were coming closer to the door.

Shit! I have to hide this phone somewhere Val should of texted by now.

The door knob was turning slowly.

Crap!!! oh maybe if i put it behind this sink drawer thingy.

Eekkkk!!!! The door knob was shuffled furiously.

Dammit I have to -

" Hey blondie what do you think you are doing?"

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