Chapter 21: Leon the perv

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After my nap the first thing I did was change my phone number and blocked any unknown number. After that I went to Starbucks to find a very familiar face.

"Hey baby doll! What are you doing here?" Wesley waved as he caught up to me.

" Just getting a mocha to ease the stress I'm dealing with." I sipped my drink while looking at a pouty Wesley.

"Oh? What are you dealing with that is so stressful?"

" Well the club thing that you and my sister want me to go to. I don't think I want to go... I have feeling it's going to be a disaster."

"Come on baby doll live a little it's going to be fun. Plus, I'll be there to protect you from those drunkards and thirsty guys." He smiled assuringly.

I looked at him with doubt and hesitated before I said yes.

He smiled from ear to ear when he heard my answer then he asked, " So is there anything else bothering you?"

I shook my head I didn't want anybody to know about the unknown calls and threat messages I've been getting. I knew who the person was but I didn't want my girls to worry or have anyone interfere with this situation. I had to solve this on my own even if it costs me my life or possibly my fortune.

After that Wesley didn't ask anything else and we said our goodbyes.

"See you girls tonight alright!" He waved as we left our separate ways.

I was still doubting that the club thing is a bad idea but I didn't want to be separated by my girls or be left alone at the house knowing that HE was watching me.


By the time I got home my sister Victoria was awaiting my arrival like an excited puppy.

"Hey sis! I heard your going to the club with us after all." She wiggled her professionally done eyebrows at me.

Damn news travel fast, I bet Drew told her.

" Yeah I'm going hopefully I don't regret it." I mumbled under my breath.

Victoria grabbed me by the hands and called out to Amber. " Come on gorgeous we're going shopping."

I groaned in annoyance. "Why? We have a ton of clothes already just pick something for the club it's honestly nothing special. We are just going to hang out with the boys."

She glared at me in response. If looks could kill I would be dead right now.

" Well you honestly don't give a fuck about how damn beautiful you'll look for Wesley. Now don't be a sour party pooper and get in the fucking car."

Amber didn't hesitate to go in Victoria's Mercedes. I, on the other hand, climbed in my white Audi A8.
"I'm going to go freshen up...I'll catch you guys later."
Victoria gave me a sour look, " just got here, I wanted to shop,all three of us!"
I sighed," you can pick my outfit and do whatever you want on me, I just really to let go of some steam."
Victoria smiled again at the thought of dolling me up and sped off with Amber to the mall. I, on the other hand needed to be alone.

I drove off through a tunnel, and found myself parked near some old abandoned settlement homes. The rocks crunched beneath my feet as I made my way to my favorite spot by the small cliff. Below the cliff the roaring sounds of the ocean waves were heard devouring the sand beneath it each time it returned wave after wave.
Thinking back to the caller, I realized that we are no longer safe, my mother was which was the only positive thing I could think of was safe. However that doesn't change the fact that he is after me. He wants to take my sister with him along with my fortune. Right I forgot to mention who " he" was. Well..."he" is my little sister's father.We are half sisters after all. My mother doesn't mention anything about mine but whatever the reason was, my mother remarried to this piece of shit of a man and ever since then my life was hell, that is until my mom escaped elsewhere leaving us in our grandfather's care. I still remember his face that will forever haunt me. He had these menacing blue eyes, and dark brown curls, the same as Victoria except hers were big and loving, and her face resembled our mother. Anyways the man goes by Leon Ferrero, he is Italian and desires nothing but money. Throughout my childhood I had taken both Victoria's and my beatings from that man but the scars I bared didn't leave me traumatized. Pushing the thoughts behind me I began to breathe slowly allowing sleep to invade my subconscious.

Coming home from school I dumped my book bag on the corner heading towards paradise a.k.a the kitchen.
Sitting on a stool I hungrily snatched an apple from the fruit bowl and began biting chunks of the juicy goodness. Suddenly a tall man, wearing a crisp blue dress shirt and trousers came walking in. A smirk was plastered on his face as he approached me. Fuck it's Leon.
" hello there Valentina, do you mind helping me with this little problem?"

Shakily I responded,"what?"

Leon got closer and put his large hand on my leg. His hand inched closer and closer to the hem of my school skirt uniform.
Slowly backing way, while pushing his hand aside I got up from the stool and started to speed walk towards the exist.
Leon blocked my path and put his unwanted hand on my waist. " You can't leave until you solve this problem!" He pointed to the bulge in his trousers.
Smacking his hand away with anger I responded, " that's not my problem. That's your slut's job, you know the one your cheating my mom with, yeah so can you leave me the fuck alone." I gasped at what I just said and instantly became silent.
" you know you shouldn't have said that, now you have to do everything I say." He quickly grabbed my jaw and looked me straight in the eye. " I've never realized how much of a woman you've become. I would love to squeeze those supple breasts of yours and make you do naughty things to me."
"Are you hearing yourself? I'm 14 years old you're like in your old as fuck that's sick!" I kicked him where the sun does not shine and fled out the door bumping into my sister who just came from school.
" Victoria we have to go now!"
Breathing heavily I woke up in complete darkness. Oh shit I'm going to be late.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2015 ⏰

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