Chapter 20: He's back and I'm dead!

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After the movie, Zander left and the girls came in with suspicious grins. Like evil cats. Typically, I ignored them and grunted like a zombie upstairs to my room.

Just as i was about to make a break for it Victoria blocked my way,"Hold it sista!"

"What? I just wanna go to bed, I don't want to know about your new guy." I groaned and tried to push her way.

She grasp my wrist in excitement. " I met Drew Chadwick and we swam together half naked!"

My mouth fell did she get to that part so fast? I glared at her. "You didn't do anything dirty right? Actually scratch that how did you meet him slash talk to him?"

She gave me a dimpled smile jumping excitedly like the girly she is. " He drove us to Keaton's then we hanged while Amber did who knows what with Keaton and well it was fun but thats not why I'm happy inside!"

  "What do you mean?" I looked at her dumbfounded with her answer.

" We are going to a club tonight! With the Emblem3 guys!" she clapped her hands in proudness.

" Oh hell no im outta here sista you can't go besides you're a minor. Anyways i'd rather go on a date with Creepy Nelson than go at a weed infested club!" I pushed my way through and went to my bedroom and shut my door.

"We're Westwoods! Getting in a club is a simple task so go start planning your outfit!" Victoria yelled through my door.

"Not happening!"

I threw myself on my bed which gave me a major headache all of a sudden.


A curly burnette ran to the door in urgency. Mother?

"I'm sorry sweetie but I need to check on your grandfather."

"Is he alright?"

She cupped my cheeks and kissed my forehead.

" Yes he is fine but he had a minor stroke and I'm worried. So be good and take care of your sister. I'll come right back."

She got into her car and drove off.

"But Mama he's here", I whispered to myself.

Suddenly another car parked where my mom's car was.

" What are you doing outside you vermin!" A dark haired man yelled as he grabbed my arms roughly.

"Where's that whore of your mother at!"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Tell me or so help me I will break your helpless arms!"

" Stop! You will wake my sister."

He pulled my raven hair and slammed me against the wall. He took out his belt and whipped my shoulders.

"I don't give a damn and if you tell anything to your mom you will suffer the consequences!"

*End of Flashback*

I sat up from my bed and shakily grabbed a cup of water from my sink. Why do I keep having bad memories? Especially about the man who took the innocence of my childhood. It's in the past isn't it?

So why does he appear in my head unexpectedly?

Gulping down my water, I descended my way downstairs to get food. Maybe that's why I'm having headaches.

I grabbed a chicken salad and made my way to the livingroom where Amber had her phone close to her face.

" Texting Keaton?"

She giggled in response. I shook my head and turned on the T.V flipping through the chanels until I settled on the movie Batman Begins. I love Batman and Christian Bale is a hottie considering his age. He looks good.

Just as I was about to take a bite out of my chicken salad the damn house phone rang.

I scowled and pleaded Amber to answer it. She reluctantly got up and answered the phone.

I turned my attention back to Batman and gasped when Bruce Wayne got slapped by Rachel. Oh no she didn't!

" Val! It's for you!"

Groaning I got up and took the phone from Amber.

"Who is it?"

  "Aww my little Valentina...Don't you remember me?"

No! Don't tell me it's him!

"Ah nope there's no Trudy here! Wrong number!"

I quickly ended the call and sat back to my previous spot and ate my salad as if nothing happened.

"Are you okay?" Amber looked up from her phone.

" Hahaha nope why wouldn't I be?"

Well you're shaking and you suddenly got oddly pale.

I glared at her and she cocked an eyebrow. "Whatever it is Val it's better to say what you feel before hurting yourself for not doing so."

Why does she have to be so wise?

"The guy who called sounded like a pedophile and I got creeped out."

She didn't seem convinced by my answer but decided not to question it.



I snatched my phone to see many missed calls and text messeges.

Wesley: Did Victoria tell you about the club thing? Are you thinking of coming?

As if! I still think it's a horrible idea and I'll probably be raped or kidnapped if I don't bring my arrows along.

Me: I'll think about it.

Okay next messege!

Zander: I had fun with you today! It brought back memories of us and other feelings... We should hang out again. How about sometime next week?

Me: I agree! Hanging out with you was fun but I'll get back to you on that offer. I have a busy work schedule since I'm taking over the Westwood business.

Unknown: Nice try Valentina! I have both your home and cell phone number so you can't get away from me so easily!

Jerk! Changing my phone numbers is now on my To Do list.

I sighed and glanced at the T.V.  Bruce Wayne is so smart. I'm still amazed in how he trained so hard to become a changed man.

That's it! I should try to be more assertive and courageous. I shouldn't let that jerk get the best of me.

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