Chapter 12

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Unequipping their weapons, Cassian and Azriel turn to face me and Avery who are now backed up against a tree. 

"Now that's over, we can get down to business", said Cassian in a now oddly serious manner.

Growling, Avery pulled in front of me, blocking me from our two new-worldly visitors. 

"Wait, so who are you?" I asked, staying behind Avery.

"Cassian," Azriel said in annoyance pointing at Cassian, "Azriel." Pointing to himself. 

"Always a man of many words, this one is." Cassian said rolling his eyes, Azriel smacked the back of his head. This started a starring, or more glaring, contest between the two. 

Still not completely trusting them, both Avery and I stay silent. Then it hit me...

"Wait, you said your name was Cassian, as in the Cassian that my supposed dad was yelling at in my dream?" I asked confused. How did they get here? What do they want with me? Questions were flooding my mind. 

"Oh, uh, yeah, that was me," Cassian responded while scratching the back of his head in slight embarrassment. "We need to go." Azriel stepped in. 

"Go where? Why should I trust you, just because you told us your names doesn't mean we should believe you? If a stranger walked up to you and said that they were taking you somewhere, would you believe them? No! First of all that's kidnapping with extra steps, second of all where did those weapons come from? You better start explaining because I have the feeling that he won't." I said pointing at Azriel, who just stood there with an amused smirk. 

"She's definitely Feyre's kid," Azriel said taking a step forward. 

"Stay away from my mate!" Avery growled, keeping me in my spot with his arm. I grab his hand and give it a reassuring squeeze to let him know I was still there.

The two shared a glance, Cassian being the first to recover, "Where are our manners? Well you already know our names, but we are your uncles. And the weapon thing we will explain later, along with all of your other questions, but as of right now we really must get moving."

"One, I'm not going anywhere. Two, I'm not leaving my mate. Three, I would need things from my house. Four, I have family that wouldn't be too happy if I were to just completely disappear of the face of the Earth." I argue back. 

"Fine, how about we make a deal okay? You can bring wolf boy, you both get three bags to pack, and ten minutes to say your good-byes. We are taking you whether you like it or not, so do what you want, but we are leaving."  Cassian bargained, getting serious again. He wasn't leaving room for anymore disagreements. 

We have no choice. I linked Avery so we could talk freely.

WHAT? You can't seriously be thinking about going with them! How do you know we can trust them? Avery fired at me sounding both confused and angry. 

I don't know how to explain it, but I know one of them and I feel strange bond between them and I. Please trust me on this A! There's no way out of this for me, and if we refuse they take me away form you. I begged and pleaded with him. I had to get him to agree because there was no way in hell I was get ripped away form him, not when we were newly mated. 

Okay. he said with a sigh after a minute of him thinking it over. I'm trusting you, plus it's not like I have anything here for me and never in a million years would I let you get taken from me.

I gave him a sad smile and turned towards my "uncles", still not fully trusting them yet. 

"Okay. We will go get our things, but you have to stay here. We can't have humans seeing you," I said referring to their wings, "it would raise too many questions. We will meet you back here in the clearing when we have our things. The clearing is protected so you'll be safe to stay here till we get back. And no we are not trying to get out of this, I don't doubt that you could track me down considering you found our hidden forest without much trouble." I could see doubt cross their minds as I was talking, but there was no fighting them on this. I knew that they wouldn't hesitate to take me with or without my agreement so it was easier to just do as they said and go the easy way. 

With a nod from them, I summoned my own wings that, as I just realized, matched theirs. I linked Avery to shift and follow me, to which he complied, and we took off, but not before I saw the look of surprise from the two giants. When we made it to the edge of the clearing we shifted back and got into my truck, making our way back to my house to get our things. Once we pulled into the driveway, we went straight inside and started packing. They told us only three bags each, so I used one for clothes, one for shoes, pictures and accessories, and the last one for books. After I packed as much as I could, which was basically my entire room, we walked down stairs to my family. This was going to be the hardest part. 

"Mom, Dad?" I called getting their attention. "I-I have to go and I don't think I will be back." My voice wavered and cracked as I told them. "I came to get my things and say good-bye." 

"We knew you would have to leave someday, we didn't know it would be so soon but we know you have to go." Dad said with watery eyes as mom silently cried beside him. "Be safe Skylar and know that we love you. This will always be your home, if you ever come back just know we will always welcome you with open arms."

By this point tears were streaming down my face with no signs of stopping. I ran and gave them hug, possibly the last hug I would get from the people that raised me. 

"Sky?" A small voice said from behind me. I turned to my siblings, giving them a sad teary smile. 

"Hey guys, your sister has to go on a small trip for a bit." I told them, hoping that this goes well. 

"Can we come with?", "Why do you have to go?", "Will you come back?", "Where are you going?" The twins rapid fired questions at me with tears starting to form in their eyes. 

"Come give me a hug." Was all I could say to them. I didn't know what else to tell them, how do you tell two, seven year old's about magic, wolves, wings, and every other mythical thing in the world? The answer is, is you can't. 

Tears now running down their cheeks, the twins ran and gave me a hug. I didn't want to let go because I had a feeling this would be the last time I would get to them. As we were about to let go, two tear drops started to glow a soft yellow as they dropped onto the twins heads. Once they hit, I felt two more connections come to life, realizing what I did I pulled back with a small smile. Feeling better about letting them go, knowing that I can still keep tabs on them, I stood up, turned to Avery and nodded. 

With one last good bye, we left to the clearing, leaving the truck and my family safe at home. 

~1300 words~

2 chapters in 2 days?? I'm on a roll! I will hopefully update at least 2 more times this week if not more. Updates are a little bit easier to do since I know have my own computer and not a school one so I will have this 24/7 instead of having to give it back in the summer. Till next time...


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