Chapter 4

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Umm... I think to my self as I head down stairs and reach the living room. 

"Sky, your father and I would like you to meet someone." says my mother who is standing next to a pretty cute guy, around 6 feet tall, light brown hair, caramel brown eyes, a semi defined jaw line and a decently muscular build. (Now let me just say that I've never really liked a guy before. Mainly only because they are almost always complete and utter jerks. did I forget to mention cocky? Anyways, so I know to not let looks fool me. )

"His name is Avery and he just moved in down the street. it turns out that you two are about the same age and will going to school with you." my mom explains to me. "Okay I know that this was unexpected and you think that your own father and I forgot, But... well, just got look outside!" 

By now I'm a little  skeptical, but my curiosity gets the best of my and I run over to the window, while waving hi to my new neighbor, and see a beautiful NEW white Ford F-350 2010 pick-up in the driveway! I squeal and run up to my parents and give them a hug while saying "thank you" a million miles a minute. 

"Your welcome Sky! now go take it for a test drive." says my father, but right before I can get the keys he pulls the back, "But, take Avery with you so you guys can get to know each other." 

"OKAY OKAY! NOW LETS GO!" I yell as I grab the keys out of my dads hands and bolt out of the house. I climb in the car and yell out the window, "You coming or not cause I don't care what your choice is." Only then do I see Avery walk out of my house. He gets in and we head off to a place that only I know how to get there, in an awkward silence. 

"So... where are you from?" I ask him to break the silence. 

"I'm from Montana." He says looking out the window and avoiding eye contact. 

Okay?!  I think to myself. So he's not much of a talker, well that will change soon enough if he's to hang around with me. After about 30 minutes of quiet, we get to where we can't drive anymore so I pull off the road in it's usual spot, turn off the car and get out. I turn around and look at him expectantly. 

"we're going in there?" Avery points at the trees shocked and confused. 

"Yes, now hurry up I don't have all day!" I say back to him while walking away into the woods. As soon as I hear him start to follow, I take off to see if he can keep up. I get to the clearing and abruptly stop, causing him to crash into me and make us fall to the ground. I moan from the headache that is starting to build from the fall while I try to get up, but found that I couldn't so I look up and see an extremely scared and uncomfortable Avery staring at me. I don't think he's breathing, but I find my self not being able to move and just sit there staring back. 

~567 words~

Hey sorry it's been soo long. between volleyball, archery, high-school, homework, choir group, crew for varsity show choir, I have been overloaded with stress and a shit ton of missing assignments cuz I am probably one of the worst when it comes to procrastinating!!! heh!!😅🙄 I'll try to be better about things and updating. but it's hard when you have 6hrs of hw and a writers block of how to put things in a way that first make sense and go where you want the story to go. Till next time...


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