Authors note

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Where do I even start this? I know I've been away and off and on with this book. Things haven't been going well for me. I moved into the dorms with my roommate and started college and made a few new friends. My best friends from high school have moved away, one is in the Navy in Florida while the other moved in with her sister in Texas. I'm not going to lie, it's been really hard with out them here with me everyday like it used to be. 

School hasn't been going well either.. big shocker coming form me right? I'm failing all of my classes and haven't shown up to anything in about a month, but I also have been trying to change my major to try and help this. It's not as easy as people say though. My mental health has gotten really bad since coming here and I have been trying to convince myself to go to a counselor about it because apparently I can get a pass for my classes this semester because of my issues. 

Depression is a hard thing fight with a support team let alone trying to fight when you have no one left who understands you. Regardless of the fact that I'm fucked up, if anyone needs someone to vent to or just needs an ear to listen I'm here for you! You can message me anytime on here or on my Insta: b_therese.28 

I hope the chapters are getting better. I took a creative writing class my last semester of high school in hopes of becoming a better writer, and I'm really hoping that it starts to show. 

Keep your heads up my Dreamer's

Till next time... 


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