Chapter 2

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So like I said- not hard to tell that I'm not from here. The thing is- both of my "parents" assured me that I wasn't adopted!! But I still don't believe them. I don't think I ever will.

I'm really not wanting to move and get out of bed, I can already tell today isn't going to end well! So I stay in bed for a little bit longer and doze off. I dream of a woman, but she had pointed ears like mine, and the same facial features. But she had golden-brown hair that had soft beach like waves and these blue grey eyes that where like stone, but also soft and warm.

She was talking to someone- to me but I couldn't hear what she was saying. It was all hazy and all the words, were nothing but mumbles, but I wasn't focused on that, something was happening in the back ground everything was foggy and quiet, just like it usually was. I've had this dream thousands of time but don't have any idea what it means. But it always ends the same- with the sound suddenly on, I can hear her say:

"I love you Sky! Don't you ever give up!"  Says the female in front of me, but it isn't me. I'm looking through someone else's eyes.

Usually the dream ends there but it surprisingly continued-

" I know that this doesn't seem real but it is. Sky, I need to tell you something and it's going to be hard to believe,- 

'This cant be real!' I think to what I thought was myself. 

- and yes this time THIS is real. Sky..... I'm your mother!"  As she says this I'm in complete confusion and the view changes so I'm looking at identical violet eyes and matching jet black hair with a tint of dark blue.

"Hello Skyler Darling!" He said, "My name is Rhysand, your father, and your mothers name is Feyre!"  I couldn't believe this, this HAD to be a dream-" We're sorry Skyler but its not- ok TECHNICALLY it is but this is real."  And why do they keep saying Skyler?

"Because that what we named you before we had to hide you in our friends old realm. Her name is Amren and she's been watching over you to make sure your safe but as far away as she can be so danger couldn't find a way to you. And we know that this is a lot to take in but you're 18 now and you need to know- "


"Cassian shut up!" Rhysand yelled at someone in the background that she hadn't meet yet.

"Ya we're going to keep it as a 'yet' for now, sorry." Things started to get a little less clear but just a little. " The connection is starting to fade. We can sort of talk mind to mind and I'll explain everything later most likely when you sleep again, it's the best connection!"

Things were turning fuzzy and unfocused. "You promise to explain when we talk?" I ask my apparently 'actual' parents.

"Yes, but it's not going to be easy to understand. And YES we are your actual parents. Good grief child!" 

Hearing him laugh was the last thing I remember before waking up to Max and Lily jumping on my bed saying Happy Birthday!



Thanks for reading idk when I'll update and yes this one was longer, hopefully they will continue to be like this but im not sure!!
Till next time!!


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