Chapter 13

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I held Avery's hand as we entered the clearing one last time as a memory flashed in my mind;

"You coming or not 'cause I don't care what your choice is." only then do I see Avery walk out of my house. He gets in and we head off to a place that only i know how to get there, in an awkward silence.

"So... where are you from?" I ask him to break the silence.

"I'm from Montana." He says looking out the window and avoiding eye contact.

Okay?!  I think to myself, so he's not much of a talker. Well, that will change soon enough if he's to hang around with me. After about 30 minutes of quiet, we get to where we can't drive anymore so I pull off the road and park in my usual spot, turn off the car and get out. I turn around and look at him expectantly.

"we're going in there?" Avery points at the trees shocked and confused.

"Yes, now hurry up I don't have all day!" I say back to him while walking away into the woods.

"Do you remember the first time I brought you here?" I asked as we slowed our walk to more of a casual stroll heading closer the clearing.

"Yeah, do you remember when you took off and made me crash into you?" He asked back with a chuckle.

"You were so scared when I started to read your mind and asked about Jason!" I started laughing at the memories and secrets we shared in the protection of our little safe-haven forest.

"Hey, it's not my fault! It's not every day you meet a random girl that takes you to a strange forest, takes off at inhuman speed to then just randomly stop and make me crash into her. To add on top of that you randomly bring up my wolf and scare the living hell out of me!" By the time Avery's done talking, we were both practically on the ground laughing at our strange memories. When we had finally caught our breaths, we just sat and listened to the forest surrounding the clearing, taking in the peaceful moment like it would our last. Who knows, it very well could be- no, don't think like that Sky! Everything will be okay; you are going to meet your real parents, your real family, and you have Avery by your side. I looked up at my mate wondering what I did to deserve someone like him.

Avery pulled me to him, wrapping me in his arms and stared into my eyes with confusion.

"It's I who doesn't deserve you Sky. You took me in when I first moved here, you trusted me enough to tell me your secret after you found out mine, you didn't run away when I told you about my past, you saved me today from your pack and even risked your life to be my mate, not to mention you refusing to leave if I couldn't come with. I don't know what I did to deserve you but I sure as hell am not going to let you go." He said with determination, I felt nothing but love in our new bond.

One second we were just staring into each others eyes, the next we were kissing. It was soft yet urgent, but it didn't feel rushed. There were sparks everywhere we touched and I couldn't get enough of it. We finally broke apart for air and just stayed there, neither of us wanting to move and the only thing heard was our breathing and the sounds of nature around us. The sound of a throat being cleared brought us out of the moment making me jump and Avery pulling me behind him in a protective stance.

"Oh relax lover boy it's just us." Cassian sarcastically replied. I looked over Avery's shoulder to see him and Azriel standing in front of us with looks of amusement. 

~666 words~ (lol)

Hey guys, I know that I'm always saying sorry or giving excuses as to why I haven't been updating that much and I hate that I keep doing that, but I just wanted to finish this chapter that I have had sitting in my drafts for awhile and at least give that to you. I know that no one is reading this book anymore because of how long it takes me to update but to future readers I just want to say hang in there with me. Till next time...


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