Chapter 9

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"I'm surprised it actually took you this long!" Trust me!

Rhys! What the Hell? What are you doing?

Feyre please just trust me on this!

"Well I've got to say you did a really good job hiding her and covering your tracks, well for the most part that is."

"what do you mean Derek?"

"My sweet, sweet Feyre. Did you really think that communicating to her didn't have its consequences? Humor me for a minute you two, why go through all of the trouble if you knew I would've found her anyways?"

"So that she didn't have to live in fear of being taken and tortured all of her life. We wanted her to have at least a semi normal life. I mean as normal as it would ever get for her. Rhys and I would've rather died then give her up to you like that. Humor me this Derek, Why is the Princess of Night ever so important to you that you still go through all of the trouble to find her and get her?"


Sky's POV

"Hey Avery?" Its getting close to the end of summer and since it's senior year I didn't know if he was changing schools or not.

"Yeah? What's up?" He starts to sit up from where we were laying by the pond.

"Are you coming to school for senior year?"

"It probably wouldn't hurt for me to finish I guess." He laughs. "Hey lets go for another run!" 

"ALRIGHT! Last one to the-"

Distant growling

"Shh don't move or say anything I've already covered us and masked our scents."

Crap someone's in the place. It's not unusual for something to randomly wonder in here but that growl was a wolf, an alpha to be exact.

I used wind to help erase any sent that was still lingering and made us sort of float (I guess you could say), then made us blend into the shadows. As you could probably guess I've been getting a lot better with my 'gifts' since having Avery around. He has helped push me to try to do new things and it looks like its about to pay off...

Just as we get fully covered, 3 huge wolves come into the clearing. They are obviously using mind link so I try to tap into what they are saying~

"I swear that there was another wolfs sent!" I'm guessing the beta said, his wolf is a light grey wolf. 

"No, no you're right I smelled it too!" That I'm guessing is the third in charge, a big, brown wolf but slightly smaller then the beta. 

"Then go find out where it went, we can't have rouges just wondering around the territory." And that my friend is the alpha, alpha Alex to be exact, a massive back wolf with a white mark on his ear. And now that I think about it the other two are Ben and Ryder. The bad boys that run the school.

~490 Words~

Till next time...


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