Chapter 10

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Soooo I know that all of these are kind of filler chapters but I still am sorta stuck on how to get where exactly I want the story to be with all the characters and plots. Man authors really need more credit for what they do because its hard trying to figure out how to get from one thing to another without having it feel like a lot is being skipped!! If anyone has an idea or thought of what I should do PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me!!! Having someone to help with the story and push me to still write would be really great!! *Sigh* sorry for the rant on the to the rest of the story I guess....

Staying as quiet as humanly possible, well.... never-mind you get the point, we watch the three wolves walk around, sniffing the air and the ground trying to, I assume, find mine and Avery's scent again. Though they won't find anything, I made sure of it. 

How long do you think you can hold this? 

Avery mind-links me, almost making me lose concentration in keeping us hidden. 

I don't know. And don't make me lose concentration or our cover will be blown! Only talk if it's absolutely necessary right now. 

I really don't mean to sound like a bitch, but I need all of my focus on this. If it were normal people or even normal wolves, I wouldn't worry too much but this is the Alpha, Beta and Third we're talking about. One wrong move and things could end really, really bad. 

I'm not sure how much longer I can hold our cover. I haven't used this much of my abilities for such an extended period of time. Needing to think quick, I throw up a deterrent barrier, like the one I put up around this clearing, to keep them away from us for a a couple minutes so I can put this insane plan into action. 

Avery, I have an idea but you're really not going to like this. 

Honestly at this point we need to do anything. They can't know who I am or that I'm here! 

I know, but...

Just tell me the plan and get it over with! 

Okay, okay. But I did warn you that you're not going to like this and it's a long shot. I'm sorry for this but... I think the only way out of this is if I mark you. 


Just hear me out okay! If we mark each other, and I copy your symbol it could hide the fact that you're an Alpha- 


-And look I know you don't like this because of your past but this is the only way that I can think of- wait did you just say okay?

Yes. You're right. This is the only way we can get out of this right now and you can't keep holding the barrier for much longer. We mark each other, but I'm also giving you fair warning... I can get a little protective. 

I think I can manage that. But we really have to do this quick, my grip is starting to slip. 

Okay, on the count of three we do it together. 

Stepping closer to him and not only physically but mentally preparing myself for this. 


We both elongate our canines, still getting closer.


We stop, with little room between us, and lean into each others neck. 


We bite. 

~625 Words~

This isn't much but it's the best I can do right now. I don't know when I'll be back, but hopefully soon since next week is spring break and I'm liking twist I just did and want to play around with it a bit to see how I can carry this into the story more. So I guess this is it till next time... 


Nightless wingsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt