Chapter 3

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So i finally thought of something for this chapter, major writers block but should be getting better. I had the main plot but not much else, so I have NO idea what else is going to be in the beginning or end. so please help me out a little with what you think should happen for leading up to when we see A.... WAIT NO SPOILERS!!!!!! AHHHHHH SORRY!!

"Happy Birthday Sky!" My siblings say in unison. "COME ON! Wake up, we got something for you!"

Ugh I really don't want to get up. Especially after what- whatever THAT was- happened. I can now hear mom in the kitchen and dad back to snoring on the couch in the basement. Though no one else can hear them but me which can be both a blessing and a curse. But man do Max and Lily love to play with my ears.

"Let me sleep you two. Or... else!" I say, but because I'm faster than them, I jump up and twist around at the same time to pin them to the bed and tickle them. Which makes them squeal with laughter, they love it when I do that. "Now what in the world could be soo- (feeling the sarcasm there?)- important that you two mutants  want?" I look at clock what the HELL?  "You do realize that it's 6 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING RIGHT???? Ugh what did I do to the two of you to get woken up this early!" I sigh but then get up, not just because they were laughing really hard and started to have a hard time breathing with me in top of them, but because now that I was a wake- there was no going back to sleep now!

I was about to leave my room and go down stairs but Max and Lily beat me to the door. Surprising- considering that I have really fast reflexes and am just fast in general . 

"No you can't go down yet!" yelled Max. He and Lily had taken up the door way trying to find a way to block me from leaving my room. Usually I would have moved them out of the way but as of right now, I just took the chance to sit in my 'library' which is pretty much just a really big window seat that is just a little bit smaller than my bed and that has a two tall book shelves on either side that are almost completely full- hehe ya I know I should re-clean it but that just sounds like too much work- and a lamp that sits in the corner for a light source when it gets dark out.

While Max keeps 'an eye on me', Lily goes down stairs yelling at 'mom an dad' that I am now up. I let my mind wonder to my dream that ended so abruptly (ehem)! They said something about a woman that's always been here but not here at the same time? How is that even possible? like wouldn't you have to be dead or what a shadow?  Though, from how they looked and their surroundings- shadows, it was dark as if it were night... and the mountains in the distance!  oh they were beautiful! 

"Sky, earth to Sky!" my moms yelling makes me snap out of my day dream. 

"What? Can I come down now?" I yell back at her sarcastically . 

"Yes!" she yells back. 

ok so ik this isn't like any thing but high school has started again and i need to focus on my homework a little bit more this year. i promise next chapter will be better and hopefully a lot longer than this. but im still getting used to this cuz im a new-be!! lol  

till next time!


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