chapter 8

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Ah! Such a nice day today. The suns out, no clouds and and my best friend is here next to me. yep, that's right, Avery is now one of my best friends. We've been getting closer everyday ever since he told me his story. I told him about my dreams with my real parents. He says that it could be possible but its hard to know because of the whole dimensions thing.

I'm actually really surprised with my self.

I made a friend.

Wait! HOLD UP!

I... MADE...A...F.FF...FRIEND?


Okay, uh ehem sorry about that. God, way to go Sky!

Whoa who are you?

Me? Oh I'm your wolf!

What? But I'm not a werewolf though?

Yeah... but you can turn into one right? And you can turn into other creatures right?

Actually I don't know about the other creatures part but I can do the wolf one!

Okay... well, I guess I can be the one to tell you then. Hmm, how do I put this... for every creature that you can turn into, there are, umm, well whatever you want to call me.

Oh god now I'm going to have all sorts of voices in my head!

Hey, hey, hey! It's okay. Just think of your mind as a really big room. Then just imagine putting each one of us, well once the others get here that is, into the furthest part of the room. That's all it takes!

Okay. By the way, what's your name. You have to have one, it can't just be 'wolf' right?

Oh yeah, sorry, my name is Silver!
"Well, well, well, look who decided to grace us with their presence! Hah, oh wait, that's right, I'm the one who brought you here!"

"What do you want Derek?" Oh no! Hey feyre?

Yeah Rhy's?

Do you think he finally knows?

No Rhy's don't say that! There's no way he could know... right?

I don't know Fey, all I know is that we tried to hide it as best as we could! We will just have to wait and see!

"Did you really think that I wouldn't figure it out? And quit with confused faces, you know exactly what I'm talking about... your precious little princess that you tried to hide in another dimension! What's it called again? Oh, right, Earth!"

~415 Words~

Ummmmmmm ya so i know that this is pretty bad but a lot of stuff has been happening between school work finding another job and people dying is just really difficult to try and write plus writers block and some more depression soooo ya this is about all i got rn! Sorry!

Till next time...


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