Chapter 2

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*4 years later*

"JJ!" Brian called out as he entered her house.

It was late Friday night and Brian had started to get bored. JJ rounded the corner from the living room, dressed in leggings and a t-shirt freshly showered after a long, grueling day of work. Her damp hair was pulled into a bun and slippers kept her feet warm as she entered the kitchen where her best friend was currently raiding her fridge.

"So you just come in here whenever you want now?" She teased lightly, taking a seat at the kitchen island. Brian pulled a soda from the fridge and smiled smugly at her.

"I think, as your best friend, I have a right to walk in here whenever I want." He shrugged, cracking open the can.

JJ playfully rolled her eyes, a small smile pulling at her lips as she thought about how close they had become over the last four years. A few days after their first encounter at the bar they both ran into each other again at the same place, ready to drown themselves in whiskey. Luckily, due to the presence of each other, they didn't have to. They found themselves diving even further into each other's lives, sharing things they never imagined sharing with someone outside their close friends and family.

It didn't take long for the term 'best friend' to take affect between the two. Joe and Murr would often joke that Q was replacing Sal with JJ as his best friend. It was all in good fun and all around everyone knew it was only teasing. Over the years JJ had learned that's the best thing those four guys are good at...teasing.

Aside from the impractical jokers family and the TESD family, JJ was also welcomed into the Quinn family. When Brian found out JJ voluntarily picked up shifts on thanksgiving and Christmas, he brought her to his parents house and wouldn't take any arguments. Now, as tradition, Brian brings JJ to his parents for thanksgiving and Christmas Eve, then Christmas Day the two hang around Brian's house drinking and watching movies. It was a nice contrast compared to other years when they both found themselves alone on Christmas.

"Is there a specific reason you're here or did you just come to steal my food?" JJ questioned, raising her eye brow at the man digging through her chips.

"There's a specific reason. The food is just an added bonus." He winked, taking the seat across from her. "By the way, as hot as you look right now, you gotta change. That won't do."

JJ peered down at her comfy outfit and tried to understand how he thought she was hot right now. She had quickly learned how much of a flirt he was and would listen as he dropped subtle comments like those. Brian wasn't stupid, it was quite clear that JJ was an amazingly beautiful woman and he had no problem telling her so, but despite his occasional flirting there were never any feelings further than friendship. Not for either of them.

"Won't do for what?" She questioned.

"We're going out. You and me." He said simply.

JJ groaned and dropped her forehead onto the cool marble counter top.

"Brian..." She whined. "I just took a shower and got comfortable. I don't want to go out."

"JJ, you've been working hard all week. You need a night out." He encouraged. "Plus I think we need to get you laid."

JJ raised her head and looked at him pretending to be offended.

"Me? What makes you think I need to get laid?" She asked, her voice raising slightly.

"You're whining a lot. Usually when you're whiny it means you need a quick fuck." He shrugged, sipping the fizzy drink.

"Maybe you're the one who needs a quick fuck." She retorted, raising her eyebrows at him.

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