Chapter 5

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Two weeks later Brian was sitting in his office staring blankly at the script in front of him. They guys had the day off from shooting and spent the day going over future challenges and punishments. But Q barely listened. His mind had only one thing to think about. JJ.

She still hadn't woken up. The doctors said she was showing signs of improvement but it could still be awhile until she regained consciousness. The entire situation was killing Brian. He missed his best friend. He missed talking to her. He missed going out with her. He missed hanging out with her after a long day at work. He missed her hugs. Her hugs never failed to make him feel better.

Everyday he had gone to see her. And he planned for it to stay that way. Along with himself there had been plenty of other people who went to visit her over the two weeks she had been asleep. The other three guys, Joe's wife Bessy, Brian's parents, and a bunch of her fireman buddies.

Sal, Joe, and Murr all saw how distraught their friend was over this especially now that he was in love with the girl. They tried to be there for him as much as possible but could tell he wasn't taking care of himself. His top priority was JJ and he had barely been sleeping or eating. Even though he tried to hide it the others could clearly tell how scared Q was.

A knock on his office door pulled him out of his trance like state and made him aware that he was still at work.

"Come in!" He called out weakly, clearing his throat.

Joe came walking in and made sure to close the door behind him.

"How you doin' bud?" He asked Q, taking a seat in the chair opposite of his desk.

"I'm fine." Q answered shortly, still staring down at his desk.

He heard Joe sigh and shuffle his chair closer to the desk.

"You wanna tell me the truth now?" Joe questioned, looking at his best friend.

Q finally raised his gaze and looked into Joe's baby blue eyes noticing the sincerity behind them. He crossed his arms on his desk and dropped his head into his arms.

"I'm not okay, Joey." Q admitted quietly, tears pooling in his eyes. "I miss her. I miss her so much." He said shaking his head and wiping his eyes with his sleeve. "I'm scared she's never gonna wake up. I'm terrified that I'll never get my friend back."

Joe reached over and grabbed Q's arm giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Look at me, man." Joe demanded softly. He lifted his head and looked across at his friend. "JJ is easily the strongest person I know. She's gonna pull through this just like she has everything else. She's gonna be alright. I promise you." He assured.

"Thank you, buddy." Q appreciated, feeling more hope than before.

"Anytime." Joe smiled. "Speaking of which, Bessy and I are gonna go visit her after work today. So I want you to head home and get some sleep."

Bessy and JJ were very close and this whole situation was really hard for her too. She visited almost as much as Brian did. And she'd be there everyday too if it wasn't for the baby at home.

"Joe I-"

"I'm not asking, Q." Joe cut him off. "You need to care of yourself because you're not gonna be any good to her when she wakes up if you don't." He said sternly. "Go home, eat something, and get some sleep. We'll call you if anything happens, okay?"

"Okay." Q reluctantly agreed.

He knew he needed to sleep before his parents came to visit tomorrow. He also knew Joe was right. He wasn't gonna be any good to JJ if he continued to not take care of himself.

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