Chapter 6

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The next day the guys were back to filming and spent the majority of the afternoon at a park in Manhattan. As soon as production was shut down for the day Q walked to his car and jumped in feeling relief of finally being off his feet since that morning. He dropped his forehead against the steering wheel and released a heavy, pent up sigh that he had been holding all day. He lost almost every challenge of the day and just overall was in a a shitty mood. Normally whenever he had days like this he'd go see JJ and she'd give him a hug, order food, and pull out some drinks just to make him feel better. Because that's the type of friend she was.

But reality quickly came back and hit him in the face as he started the drive to the hospital where his best friend had been for the past two weeks.


Upon entering her room Brian slumped into his usual chair beside her bed and scooted up closer to her. He grabbed her hand within his and watched as his thumb brushed over the soft skin, gently stroking her knuckles. He could feel his stress and emotions start to bubble up and couldn't stop the tears that started to pool in his eyes.

And for the first time since this all happened...he broke down. A choked sob escaped his lips as he looked over his best friend.

"I miss you, JJ." He cried, shaking his head and deciding to just let it all out. "I miss you so fucking much. I miss hearing your voice, seeing your smile, giving you hugs, talking to you, everything. I just...I need you to open your eyes, darling." His voice breaking as he lifted her hand to his lips. "I need you to tell me everything's gonna be okay. I need my best friend back. I really fucking need you, JJ." He sniffled. "I love you so much. Please open your eyes, baby. Please." He begged, kissing her hand repeatedly.

He used his free hand and wiped away his tears that had fallen down his cheeks. Her body remained still and her eyes remained closed. He sighed and dropped his head in defeat. Just as he was about to give up trying and accept that she wasn't waking up anytime soon...her fingers moved.

His eyes darted to their connected hands and watched her fingers twitch against his own. He then shot his eyes up to her face where her eyes were moving underneath her eyelids. He shot up out of his chair but kept her palm clasped tightly against his.

"That's it, sweetheart. Open your eyes. Come on." Brian encouraged. He suddenly felt her hand start to squeeze back and watched intently as her eyes fluttered open. His heart was dancing in his chest as her eyes adjusted to the fluorescent lights, looking around the unfamiliar room until they landed on Brian. "JJ?" He whispered, tears forming yet again.

She smiled weakly at him and continued to hold his hand.

"Hey you." She spoke as best she could despite her tremendously sore throat.

Brian choked out a laugh and let his thick tears fall from his eyes as he carefully wrapped his arms around his best friend. He buried his face into her shoulder and held her gently but tightly, afraid of what would happen if he let go. He could feel JJ's arms around his neck while his shoulders shook from his cries.

"I'm so fucking glad you're okay." His voice muffled from still being tucked into her shoulder. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too." She whispered against his ear, rubbing his back with her palm. "Shhh. It's okay; I'm alright."

He pulled back from their embrace before pushing his forehead against hers and looking into her perfect sky eyes that he'd be completely lost without.

"I thought I lost you." He whispered, sitting on the edge of the bed.

JJ reached up and wiped his tears away with her thumbs, completely melting his heart.

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