Chapter 7

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"Are you sure you're ready to go back to work?"

"Yes Brian." JJ assured as she gathered all of her things.

Brian watched as she walked around the house grabbing everything she needed for work and getting ready. It had been a little over a week since she'd been home and finally got the clearance to start back at the fire department. Which she was incredibly grateful for seeing as she hadn't done anything but stay in bed for almost a month straight. But while she was excited to go back Brian on the other hand was nervous. She had gained most of her strength back and was physically healthy but he was still hesitant to let her return so soon.

"You'll call me if you need anything, right? We're filming a few blocks from your firehouse so if you need me I can be there..." He rambled on.

"Brian." JJ cut off his rambling, moving to stand in front of him. "I'll be fine. I'm not even allowed to do anything that dangerous so you don't have to worry. I promise."

"I know." He sighed in defeat. "I just want you to be sure you're ready."

JJ smiled in appreciation as she placed her hands on his shoulders, gaining his full attention. Brian looked down at her, locking eyes and feeling his heart start to beat faster and faster in his chest. His feelings for her had been growing much faster than he ever expected and now even the slightest touch or the slightest moment of eye contact would send his heart into overdrive. He had never felt that way before. And it was pretty terrifying.

"As much as I appreciate you taking care of me these past few weeks, and you know I do, I need to start doing things on my own." She explained. "I'm gonna go crazy if I spend one more day in this house. I gotta go back to work, it's time."

She patted his shoulders and sat down at the table to tie her boots leaving Brian to stand and watch her in the kitchen. He had shown up at her house early that morning to try and convince her to stay home but clearly there was no way he was gonna get her to stay. And he understood. He'd probably be going crazy too.

"Alright I gotta go. You staying here?" She asked, throwing her bag over her shoulder.

"No I gotta head to set. I'll walk out with you." He said, following her out the front door. Once they made it out to their cars JJ threw her bag in the backseat and turned to face Brian again. Wrapping her arms around his neck she pulled him into a hug which he gladly returned, curling his arms tight around her waist. "Please be careful." He whispered against her hair.

"Always." She smirked, pulling away from their hug.

Brian kissed her cheek and watched her get into the car and drive away. He jumped into his own car and dropped his head back against the headrest, closing his eyes and praying that she'd be ok.


Two days later after work JJ had plans to meet up with the guys for a drink. She hadn't seen any of them, except Brian, since she had been discharged from the hospital. So after work she threw her bag in her car and decided to walk to the bar they were meeting at since it was only a few blocks away.

While she was doing that Q and the other jokers were already seated talking about the days shoot and upcoming shows. However Q remained pretty quiet as he sipped his third beer of the night. He didn't particularly know why he was having such a bad day but he had been in a crappy mood all day. And the thought of seeing the girl who he was hopelessly falling in love with was probably not going to help. As he sat silently on the end of the booth he couldn't help but shake his head, annoyed with himself for being so stupid. Falling in love with his best friend. The one person he could never be with. The person who would never feel the same way about him. The person he'd never get to kiss or hold in the ways he so badly wanted to. He was a fucking idiot.

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