Chapter 13

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"So, how's your little crush on Q going?" Bessy asked, handing JJ a bottle of sparkling water.

"Oh it's great. I should be ready to kill myself any day now." JJ answered over dramatically. "I wish it was just a little crush. But no, I've gotta be in love with him don't I?" She said sarcastically.

The guys had been on tour for about a week and still had one more to go. So with the day off of work, JJ headed over to Joe and Bessy's to hang out with Bessy and little Milana.

"I still can't believe you're not gonna tell him." Bessy exclaimed shaking her head in disapproval.

JJ rolled her eyes and bounced the small toddler in her lap making her giggle like crazy.

"Why would I tell him, Bess? It's clear he doesn't love me back." JJ replied still smiling and cooing down at Milana in her lap.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that." Bessy muttered under her breath, sipping her water.

"What does that mean?" She asked now thinking Bessy knew something she didn't.

"Have you seriously not noticed the changes in him these past few weeks?" She asked in disbelief, thinking it was pretty obvious. When she still saw the confused look on JJ's face she continued. "Well with your accident, first of all, he was even more of a wreck than I was and I had just had a baby. And second, he's been looking at you differently. Like not in just a best friend type of way anymore. Like a checking you out kinda way."

JJ remained silent for a moment trying to process what her friend was saying. She looked back at the last few weeks and couldn't remember any times he had "checked her out". Of course there was the obvious Brian Quinn flirting that he charmed on her every once in awhile but it didn't seem any more than before.

"I don't know, Bess." She sighed, biting nervously at her bottom lip. "I run the risk of losing him. And I can't be without him. He's given me everything I thought I would never have. Hell, I wouldn't be sitting here with you if it wasn't for him." She exclaimed, smiling at all the things he had done that bettered her life. "And I know you want me to tell him and honestly it would probably feel really good to get it off my chest but...I just can't."

"I understand that." Bessy said truthfully watching JJ make faces at her daughter. "So if you're not gonna tell him are you gonna look for another guy?"

"Maybe a fling here or there but I can't be in an actual relationship until I'm over Brian." JJ then realized how bizarre that sentence was and shook her head. "God I never imagined those words coming out of my mouth."


The next morning Brian woke up over in the Windy City of Chicago. His head was pounding profusely and he couldn't remember a thing from the night before as he swung his legs over the side of the bed. And as he looked around the small hotel room he could tell it wasn't his.

Fuck me.

He squeezed his eyes shut and prayed what he was fearing wasn't actually true. Hesitantly glancing over his shoulder he was met with a familiar site. A random woman sprawled out across the mattress dead asleep. And of course they were both naked.

"No no no." He panicked slightly knowing he never meant for this to happen.

He quickly got up and attempted to find all of  his clothes that were thrown about the room. He located his jeans and shirt, pulling them on in a haste but still trying to be quiet and not wake the girl. He felt like a total asshole. He didn't even remember her name.

"Fucking idiot." He mumbled to himself as he slipped his phone into his pocket.

Brian then noticed the used condom on the floor and was at least relieved to know that he wasn't stupid enough to not use protection. But when he glanced at the time he realized he was about to be late if he waited any longer. He didn't even bother to put his shoes on before he carefully exited the room and found his way back to his room.

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