Chapter 15

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The next morning Brian's eyes fluttered open, but he instantly closed them again when the sun glared through the curtains. He blinked a few times to adjust to the sudden brightness and it was then that he realized JJ was no longer cuddled into his side.

"JJ?" He called out from her empty bedroom.

There was no answer but as he sat up on the edge of the bed he noticed a note on the table beside him.

   Had to go to work but you looked exhausted so I didn't wanna wake you. Stay as long as you want, you know where everything is. Text me later.
                  - JJ

Brian smiled at her note before setting it aside. He rubbed his hands over his face and sighed heavily. She was right, he was exhausted. Because he didn't fall asleep until almost five in the morning. He was up for hours just laying there watching the love of his life sleep soundly against his chest.

He observed every aspect her body as she slept, studying everything that made her so beautiful.  The way her lips would part slightly when she'd sigh in her unconscious state. The way pieces of her hair would naturally fall into her cheek, which he'd always tuck back behind her ear. The way her fingers would twitch lightly against his pec whenever she'd have a dream. The way the moon would perfectly highlight the features of her face, contouring it in the most perfect way possible. And the way her amazing body fit perfectly against his side.

Finally after a few hours he had drifted off to sleep, but the weight of his secret admiration for her was becoming too much to carry. He didn't know how much longer he could hold it.


The bell above the door rang through the store as Q walked into the comic book shop. His hair was a mess hidden beneath a flat cap and his clothes were the same from the day prior.

"Damn Dude. You look awful." Walt exclaimed noticing the bags under his friend's eyes.

"Thanks." Q grumbled sarcastically taking a seat at the poker table and setting up his mic.

"Long flight this morning?" Bry asked as he looked over his friend who was clearly exhausted.

"Last night actually. We caught an early flight and got in around midnight." Q explained, opening up his iced tea and taking a long sip.

"If you got in last night why are you so tired? It's like two in the afternoon right now." Walt questioned further.

"I..." He paused and looked between his two friends as he sighed. "I went to see JJ."

"At midnight?" Bryan asked.

"I just missed her so much and I couldn't even fucking sleep cause I kept thinking about her!" His voice started to get louder as the passion behind his words started to come to surface. "And so I went and I saw her and she laid her head on my chest and she told me she missed me too and I...I stayed up for hours just watching her. And for the first time I realized the extent of my love for her and it fucking terrified me." He leaned his head against his hand and closed his eyes trying to pull himself together. "Do you guys think I should tell her?"

"Yes." They both answered in unison.

"I think it could be good for you." Walt told him truthfully.

"What if it's not, Walt? What if tell her and then lose her? I'd never fucking recover from that." Q said getting defensive.

"Would you quit it with this bullshit?!" Walt yelled at his friend. "This is your problem, you always think worst case scenario and expect every little thing to go terribly! What if she loves you back? Now you're just wasting all this time worrying about the possible negatives."

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