Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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You couldn't help but to stare off into space whilst sitting in your home. You currently lived alone, not even a trust worthy feline to fill the loneliness you continually felt.

And you had more than enough room for a dog or a cat - as you were quite the animal lover... But work was enough to keep you busy - as only one day off a week just wasn't enough time to spend with a fur baby. You knew the scars that loneliness could carve into your soul... and you did not want to bestow that feeling upon anyone - not even upon a furry friend.

Instead - you decided to give your all into your line of work.

Most would take one look at you and not believe it - if you were to say that you were in the military. The Special Forces to be exact.

You thought that joining the military, you could help those in need - both human and animal. You acted like you didn't care much for humanity... but deep down you truly did. Using your gift - you've changed lives for the better over the years; even saving them.

The gift you possess though, you have kept a secret for as long as you could possibly remember. Because no one would ever accept the special power that flowed within the capacity of your body.


That's right, magic. And if you want to think of Faries and Unicorns, that's fine. Because that is not a far fetch. But you weren't quite a mythical creature. Just someone granted with the exceptional power to bend matter to your will.

You weren't born with it, but given this special power.

You were limited on information, but you had faint memories of a a Grimoire. An object of great capabilities - capable of giving such power to a person. You didn't choose the magic... it chose you. And apparently that happens every 200 years. One special human being will be deemed worthy of inheriting such a gift... or so folklore states. And even if you thought of it as a gift or a curse... you couldn't get rid of it. It was apart of you. It was you.

You contemplated on becoming Batman at one point... but the odds against you outweighed the positives. Because you still didn't know the full extent of the power that flowed through your veins. You did know the basics though... but that still wasn't enough.

You wanted to see how far you could push yourself before blood started to pour from your nose, before your eyes glossed over in that red tinge before you blacked out... or even possibly killed yourself.

Anything or anyone that possessed such a power always comes with a price. And that price was the wear and tear it did on your body.

It was almost as if a person with no gymnastics training, simply jumped into the sport - and hoping to be able to do a back flip with ease.

Not possible.

A person would strain their tendons, pull every muscle in their body, break bones... If your body isn't conditioned to withstand such an activity - you could hurt yourself or worse.

You tried going to secluded places - sometimes driving to the middle of nowhere, just so you could practice and push your limits. But fear held the steering wheel. You feared you would hurt yourself in the process, as no one would know where you were if you were to severely injure yourself.

You experienced this the hard way.

On one fruitful evening, you gave your abilities the the open road to flow freely; wanting to see what you were truly capable of. And when your power is at it's peak, your veins start to illuminate a faint blue - giving you the illusion of an angel in the flesh. 

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