Chapter 12: Wings Unfolded

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The pit of your stomach traveled to your chest - as the force of free falling sent your adrenaline spiraling out of control.

You then felt the back of your shirt rip under the pressure of your wings - every black and white feather materializing out of thin air.

And as soon as they fully solidified - with one powerful thrust, you tucked your wings close to your back - causing you to shoot up and into the sky.

Anyone watching had only seen you jettison into the clouds - Hawks especially trying to put together how you were doing it.

He had excellent eye sight, but your image was blurred into the banks of high-rise fog.

The Villain Bot hovered over Hawks and Aizawa now - as it aimed in your direction; waiting for a clear target.

But you broke through the clouds with speed.

It seemed to all happen in slow motion as you aimed at your objective - your wings expanded outward in all their splendid glory.

The dull lighting of the sky ricocheted off of your quills - creating the illusion of Heaven and Hell within your wingspan. Light and Darkness blending into one.

The backdraft coiled within your outstretched wings - which strained against your back. And directly below you - was a wide-eyed Pro Hero...

Hawks couldn't take in what he was seeing at first - as he had never seen anyone possessing wings in the same fashion as he did.

His eyes glimmered, his mouth open, and every fiber of his being screamed in adoration.

He had already been drawn to you... but this confirmed what he was feeling. You were the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes upon.

"I knew it!" He cried out, recalling the times he could have sworn he sensed a part of you being hidden. Which was why he would awkwardly stare at your back the few times that he did.

Maybe it was because you actually possessed wings, Hawks' instincts felt akin to you... because his senses told him so. And his gut feelings were usually never wrong.

As you flung yourself towards the armed Villain Bot, the familiar sound of a low bass cord echoed in a 10 yard radius - the creation of energy and matter around you - building into a destructive weapon at your disposal.

The ball of energy you created collided with the Robot in full force; heaving the massive machinery to the ground, and crippling it beyond repair.

And as you twirled around in midair, you aimed for your landing.

Your last landing wasn't so graceful... and a 'tuck and roll' would be thoroughly embarrassing.

So as the ground came nearer, you tried slowing your speed.

You were unsteady, but steady enough to land - sliding on your tiptoes in the dirt as you lowered into a crouching position, and reached one hand down to level yourself on the terrain.

Trying to catch your breath, your wings heaved up and down with your breathing.

And as you turned around, you almost collided with Hawks - as he was already making his way towards you with an outstretched hand. Almost as if he wanted to touch your wings to make sure he wasn't imagining things.

But before he could get to you, an Official grabbed you by the arm, and practically chucked you into a transport pod. Your wings being stuffed within the small car-like vehicle that suddenly showed up to take you to Ground Beta.

"Your next test will commerce immediately." The Official told you.

And as you drove away, you practically plastered your face against the window as you stared at Hawks. The winged-Hero already spreading his wings to head to your next challenge. He didn't want to miss a single moment with you.

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