The Treehouse

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Rockin' Robin was playing through the radio that Teddy brought with him as he and Chris were playing some type of card game inside of the treehouse that the group tended to hang out in often.  Lia insisted that she didn't want to play the card game because she didn't know how to play it.  Chris offered to teach her, but she didn't wanna waste the boy's time, as she noticed they were very experienced in this random game she's never heard of.

Lia was sitting in between the two boys, playing with her Rubiks cube.  She was very good at them, probably because she isn't allowed to play with many things, she was able to waste her time figuring out the pattern.  A knock could be heard from under the small layer of wood, indicating that someone was using the secret knock to be let inside.  Lia didn't learn the secret knock yet, and Teddy and Vern were the only ones who complained about it.

The two boys didn't seem to acknowledge the knocking, assuming the person would just let themselves in.  Lia however was curious if it was gonna be Vern or Gordie.  She was hoping it was Vern, for some reason she becomes slightly uncomfortable when she's near him.  The only reason was that she knew he didn't like her, it was very obvious.

To her dismay, it was Gordie who entered the treehouse.  Teddy and Chris nodded at him in acknowledgment.  Gordie had a small smile on his face but it faltered when he glanced at Lia, who didn't even look his way, pretending to be really focused on her Rubiks cube.

Gordie anxiously stood in his spot, trying to figure out where to sit.  Lia, not being able to tolerate the uncomfortable silence anymore, scooted closer to Teddy, leaving room for Gordie to sit down in between her and Chris.  She figured he was gonna decline since he'd have to sit next to her, but to her surprise, he walked over and sat in the gap that was available for him to fit in.

Gordie didn't say anything, and neither did Lia as the two boys continued to play their game. Eventually, Gordie decided that he wanted to play, and the boys allowed him to join in.  Chris took his sweet time grabbing a card from the pile on the table and looked over at Teddy.

"Hey, how do you know a Frenchman's been in your backyard?" Chris asked, darting his eyes over to Lia and then back to Teddy.  She knew he was about to share some awful joke and she shook her head in disappointment. Teddy pulled the cigarette out of his mouth to answer Chris's question.

"I'm French, okay?" He deadpanned.  Lia tried to hold back a smile as she continued to solve the Rubix cube.  Chris seemed a little unhappy that Teddy wasn't excited about the answer, so he looked over to Gordie.  

"Your garbage cans empty and your dog's pregnant." Chris joked.  Somehow, Gordie found the joke hilarious and started laughing loudly. Chris started laughing with him, Lia cringed as she found the joke stupid.  

"Didn't I just say I was French?" Teddy replied, still unfazed.  Lia was finding Teddy's comments way funnier than the joke itself.

"Chris, that was terrible." Lia sighed, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.  Chris, still smiling looked up at Lia.

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