Near-Death Experience

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Lia's feet were practically being dragged along as she and the four boys continued walking.  They still never ate yet, and she was dying of thirst.  She didn't want to be the annoying one and ask someone else for their water, it was her fault she didn't bring any.  They stopped at the train tracks where there was a huge river below it.  Vern looked behind them, wondering if they should just find another way.  

"Any of you guys know when the next train is due?" He asked the four.  

"Nope.  Probably soon, though." Lia shrugged, gulping at the idea of falling into the ocean.  Heights was something that Lia was afraid of, which she has only admitted to Chris. Nothing else scared her, not bugs, snakes, or the dark. She could never go on a Ferris wheel or a ride that lifts her too high in the air. The idea of her falling a painful death in the ocean, the impact, the drowning, and the alligators who want to eat her, made her nervous.  

"We could go down to the Route 136 bridge," Chris suggested, not yet noticing how clammy Lia became all of a sudden.

"I like that idea." Lia nodded, already turning around to head back.  

"What?  Are you crazy?  That's five miles down the river.  You walk five miles down the river, you gotta walk five miles back.  That could take till dark.  We go across here, we can get to the same place in ten minutes." Teddy grabbed Lia's arm to stop her.  Lia mentally cursed, angry that Teddy was right.  

"Yeah, but what if a train comes, there's nowhere to go," Vern complained, seeming just as nervous as Lia.   She wondered if he was afraid of heights too, she wouldn't blame him.  

"Vern's right, let's just head back." Lia tried to get out of Teddy's grip anxiously.  His grip was too strong, probably leaving a red mark on her arm.  

"What has gotten into you, Lia?" Teddy asked, finally letting go.  Gordie noticed that Lia was acting weirder than normal, but decided not to say anything just yet.  

"Hell, there isn't.  You just jump." Teddy told Vern like it was no problem, scaring Lia even more.  Lia felt her heart pounding in her chest, and they haven't even begun walking across yet.  

"Teddy, it's one hundred feet." Chris tried to reason.  

"Yeah, Teddy." Vern agreed.  Gordie still hasn't voiced his input yet, still worried about why Lia was acting so weird.  

"Look, you guys can go around if you want to.  I'm crossing here.  And while you guys are dragging your candy asses halfway across the state and back, I'll be waiting for you on the other side relaxing with my thoughts." Teddy told the group.  

"You use your left hand or your right hand for that?" Gordie teased, causing Chris to quietly laugh.  Lia would have laughed, but she was too nervous.

Teddy looked up at Gordie, "You wish." Teddy replied calmly, Chris raising his eyebrows from behind him.  Chris finally noticed how nervous Lia was, remembering her fear of heights.  Teddy was already on the tracks, while Lia and Vern were arguing about who should go first.  Chris took the opportunity to warn Gordie about Lia's fear, making sure to whisper it in his ear so Lia couldn't hear him.  

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