Overnight Cramps

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"All right.  All right.  Mickey's a mouse.  Donald's a duck.  Pluto's a dog.  What's goofy?"-Gordie

"If I could only have one food for the rest of my life?  That's easy.  Pez.  Cherry-flavored Pez.  No question about it."-Vern

"Goofy's a dog.  He's definitely a dog."-Teddy

"Peanut M&Ms would be my answer.  I could eat those all day, every day."-Lia

"I knew The $64,000 Question was fixed.  There's no way anybody could know that much about opera."-Gordie

"He can't be a dog.  He wears a hat and drives a car."-Chris

"Wagon Train is a really cool show, but did you ever notice that they never get anywhere?  They just keep wagon training."-Gordie

"God, that's weird.  What the hell is Goofy?"-Vern

After conversing over multiple topics, the group fell asleep with the fire still lit.  Lia couldn't say she fell asleep right away,  it took her lots of tossing and turning to become comfortable.  The idea of sleeping in the woods creeped her out, and she kept fearing she would have nightmares.  Lia was only able to sleep for around an hour, before waking up with pain in her lower stomach again.  At first, she forgot why it hurt so much until she became self-aware of where she was and what happened earlier that day.

She quietly got out of her sleeping bag, careful not to wake anybody up.  The bag that contained the pads was next to Gordie, making Lia sigh to herself that she had to attempt to not wake him up.  She tiptoed over to the bag and slowly unzipped it, taking out the pads.  She zipped the bag back up so ants or any other type of bug wouldn't crawl into it.

Darkness surrounded her as she tried to find a tree to hide behind, just in case any of the boys woke up.  Lia did not want any of them catching her.  It was almost impossible to read the instructions on the box because of how dark it was, but luckily the fire that was lit gave her just enough light to read certain words.  Eventually, to her surprise, she figured out how it worked.

Properly putting on her pad, she closed the box back up.  Before she could place the box back into the bag next to Gordie, a loud noise from the distance disturbed the boy's sleep.  Vern was the first to spring up from his sleeping bag, looking around frantically.  Teddy wasn't far behind him, lifting his head to look around as well.  Lia normally would have laughed seeing Teddy without his glasses, but the noise freaked her out.  She assumed it was a wild animal.

"Oh my god, it's that Brower kid," Vern said, worriedly looking around.  Lia figured it wasn't because the noise didn't sound human.  

"His ghost is out walking in the woods," Teddy said, keeping his glasses off.  Gordie sat up straight to look around better, Chris finally waking up too.  

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