Train Dodging

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"Have gun, will travel reads the card of a man, A knight without aror in a savage land.  His fast gun for hire, heeds the calling wind, A soldier of fortune is the man called Paladin."  The group all sang together, Teddy and Lia swinging their hands and skipping.  "Paladin, Paladin, where do you roam?  Paladin, Paladin, far, far, from home."  Teddy and Lia sang alone when the others stopped.  Teddy might be crazy sometimes, but Lia had to admit, he was fun to be around.  

"We have to fill up at the junkyard.  My dad said it's a safe well." Gordie told Chris, who opened his canister of water and took a large sip from it.  Lia heavily regretted not bringing any water.

"Not if Chopper's there."  Vern quickly interjected, a nervous look on his face.  

"If Chopper's there we'll send you in." Chris turned to Vern with a smirk on his face.  They all loved to mess with Vern, probably because he's the easiest to mess around with.  

"Ha, ha.  Very funny." Vern replied sarcastically.  "Hey, I'm kind of hungry. Who's got the food?" He then spoke up. Chris stopped in his tracks, staring directly at Vern. Vern stopped short, causing Lia to bump into him. Gordie continued walking until Teddy spoke up.

"Oh, shit!  Did anybody bring anything?"   Lia wanted to punch herself for forgetting two of the most important things, food, and water.

 "Not me.  Gordie?" Chris turned to his best friend, who shook his head in response.  This ruined everyone's attitude immediately, knowing they were probably gonna starve to death.  

"This is great.  What are we supposed to do?  Eat our feet?" Teddy complained, assuming someone would bring the food.  

"Lia, did you bring anything?" Gordie asked hopefully, everyone turned to her with hopeful eyes.  

"Well, the thing is...I mean, I-uh, no.  No, I did not." Lia Finally responded.

"You mean, you didn't bring anything, either?" Chris motioned to Teddy, more pissed at him for blaming everybody else.  

"Shit.  This wasn't my idea.  It was Vern's idea.  Why didn't you bring something?" Teddy smacked Vern's shoulder, while Chris stomped his foot on the ground angrily.  Lia rubbed her temples while closing her eyes, already getting a migraine, Gordie just observing the conversation.  

"Teddy, don't blame Vern.  We're all at fault." Lia tried to reason.  Lia didn't enjoy fighting with people, but she wasn't gonna let everyone place the blame on Vern. They were all idiots for forgetting the most important thing they needed, literally.

"You're really annoying." Teddy tried to get a rise out of her, his hand on his hip like Chris usually does.  

"Thanks, enjoy prison." She spat.  

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