The Body

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Clumping together, the group continued their journey.  Lia's cramps were still killing her, but it wasn't as bad as before when she couldn't even walk.  She was sure that she wasn't the only one that was tired and ready to just go home and relax.  

"Coming through the woods, I bet we saved over an hour," Chris announced to the group, which Lia was grateful to hear.  The group was speedwalking now, growing anxious.  Gordie stopped in his tracks, Chris almost bumping into him.  The group stopped and watched Gordie.

"Teddy?" Gordie asked.


"Is this the Back Harlow Road?" He asked, knowing Teddy knew what it looked like.  He sounded determined, which confused Lia a bit.

"Yeah," Teddy replied after a moment of thought.  Lia, who was standing next to Vern, was staring at the sign that said no hunting on it. 

"The Brower kid must be around here someplace." Chris looked around, Gordie already walking in the direction he was watching when they first arrived.  "Teddy, you and Vern watch the left side of the tracks.  We'll take the right." Chris nudged Lia who was beside him.  

"Alright." Teddy agreed, following Vern.

"Chris, is now a bad time to say that I don't want to find the body anymore?" Lia looked up at Chris who she was trailing behind.  He slowly turned his head to send her a glare, causing her to mentally cringe and look away.  Gordie was in front of them looking into the bushes but to no avail.  If Lia was being honest, she wasn't even looking for the body, the words that Vern was saying earlier popping into her head.  What if the body was bloody, guts pouring out of it?

"There he is!  I see him!  Look!" Vern suddenly yelled, breaking Lia out of her thoughts.  Everyone began to run over to Vern who was a little ahead of everyone else, Lia grabbing Teddy's arm to keep up with them.  "Look over there!  I see him!" Vern pointed towards a bush.  Teddy placed a hand on Vern's shoulder, trying to find the spot that Vern was pointing at.  Gordie stopped right next to Vern, following Vern's eyes.  Chris stopped next to Lia, who was next to Teddy and behind Vern.  His head was in the way so she couldn't see what the boys saw.

"Where?" Lia tried to jump to look over Vern's shoulder.  Teddy moved over a bit so Lia could get a better look.  She leaned onto Teddy to see past Vern, noticing a pair of white socks and jeans.  She realized they were staring at his legs, which was already scaring her.  Chris pushed past Gordie and Vern.  Gordie let Chris push him, while Vern followed behind Chris.  Teddy followed closely behind.  Gordie was about to follow but saw that Lia wasn't moving, almost stiff.

"Come on." He grabbed Lia's wrist, pulling her along.  Not realizing that she was terrified of the sight in front of her, he continued to pull her up to the body.  The view of the body was clearer now, everyone was able to see his body but it was covered with leaves and twigs.  Chris carefully leaned over him to grab a branch.  Gordie let go of Lia's wrist, mesmerized by the sight in front of him.  With a look of despair, Chris used the branch to move the leaves and branches out of the way. 

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