Mental Breakdown

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"2300 hours.  Corporal Teddy Duchamp stands guard.  No sign of the enemy.  The fort is secure."  Teddy spoke to himself, acting like he was on a mission.  It wasn't helping Lia in any way, his voice preventing her to sleep.  It must have been bothering Chris too.

"Shut up, Teddy, and keep your eyes peeled," Chris mumbled.  Teddy rolled his eyes and lowered the gun.  Lia was surprised he actually listened, maybe she was able to sleep for a bit until it was her turn.  The silence only lasted for about four seconds before Teddy started making a trumpet sound with his mouth and hand.  Vern somehow stayed asleep throughout it.

"Teddy, cut it out, okay?" Gordie complained, leaning his head up to yell at him.  

"I'm trying to sleep," Chris grumbled, his voice muffled from laying on his stomach.  Lia only groaned in annoyance, turning to the other side.  Again Teddy stopped, but Lia knew the silence wouldn't last long.  Lia counted the seconds in her head to see how long it would take Teddy to begin speaking again, turns out it was only three.

"The dogfaces rested easy in the knowledge that Corporal Teddy Duchamp was protecting all that was dear to them," Teddy spoke to himself.

"Teddy," Chris warned.  All throughout Teddy's turn, Lia couldn't get even a second of sleep.  Every noise disturbed her.  Whether it was the idea of a bug crawling on her, leaves crunching in the distance, an animal passing by, the noises bothered her.  

When it was Vern's turn, he was terrified.  Every time Lia looked over at him, he would pretend to act brave, until he heard a noise.  Every noise he heard he would aim the gun in that direction.  Lia was finding it amusing, even though she wasn't that scared when she heard the sound of a frog croaking.  At one point, Vern heard a noise behind the tree.  He walked behind it until he was no longer seen, but when he heard another noise, only the gun poked out.  Lia snorted, almost waking up Gordie who was sleeping next to her.  

The way he lightly snored, the peaceful look on his face, the lighting of the fire illuminating on his face, it was almost overwhelming for Lia.  A blush slowly crept its way onto her face, she felt odd.  How was his face so perfect?  Lia couldn't point out one flaw about him.  A tap on the shoulder had her almost scream bloody murder.  It turned out to be Vern, who quickly places a finger on his lips to hush her.

"Shh, don't wake anyone up." He said, slightly panicked from being creeped out.

"What the hell, Vern?  You scared the fuck out of me." Lia whisper shouted, placing a hand on her heart.  

"It's your turn..." He awkwardly said, holding the gun out for Lia to take.  Never had Lia held a gun before, she was nervous to take it.  Vern noticed her hesitation.  "If I can hold it, so can you," Vern told her.  She slowly took it from Vern's hand, examing it with wide eyes.  Vern took that as his sign to go back to sleep, heading towards his sleeping bag.

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