Gordie, The Weirdo

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Sniffles could be heard from Teddy, he eventually calmed down after about fifteen minutes of walking.  His face was all puffy, his eyes were bloodshot.  Lia had never seen him cry before, as a matter of fact, she's never seen any of the boys cry.  She knew his father was a very tough subject for Teddy, she didn't blame him.  

"We showed him.  Thought we were a bunch of pussies." Vern tried to make Teddy feel better, but it didn't work.  Lia glared at him from her spot in between Gordie and Teddy.  He gulped, looking back at the ground.  Chris's arm was still wrapped securely around Teddy.  

"He ranked my old man,"  Teddy said through his tears.

Lia didn't understand why he cared so much about his dad, if she was correct he tried to burn his ear off.  She could never forgive her dad if he tried something like that, but she knew he would never lay a finger on her.  Little did she know, Gordie was thinking the same thing.  

"He ranked my old man," Teddy repeated, taking off his glasses.  Lia didn't know what to say, she was afraid he would yell at her.  

"What do you care what a fat old pile of shit like him says about your dad?"   Chris was only trying to help, but Lia was nervous that Teddy would snap at them, so she kept her mouth shut. 

"He still stormed the beach at Normandy, right?" Gordie said from next to Lia.  

"Yeah, forget it." Teddy dismissed, bumping into the Lia slightly, and kept walking forward.  Chris kept a hand on Teddy's back, Lia followed his actions.  

"Do you think that pile of shit was at Normandy?" Vern said to Teddy, Lia wanted to smack him.  He always spoke at the wrong times.

"Forget it, all right?" Teddy rubbed his eye, his glasses in his left hand.  Gordie knew what was to come if Vern kept going, and knowing Vern, he would.  Lia and Gordie kept bumping into each other's shoulders as they walked, Lia removing her hand from Teddy's back so there was a gap between them.  She did not want to get on Teddy's bad side, it didn't seem very fun.  

"He don't know nothing about your old man.  He's just dog shit." Vern said.  This time Lia was about to yell at him to shut up.  

"Whatever's between you and your old man, he can't change that," Chris said.  Gordie and Lia backed up slightly, preparing for Teddy to go off at them.

"Forget it, all right?  Just forget it!" Teddy shouted, rubbing his eyes with his arm.  He walked a little bit ahead of the others, and to be honest, Lia didn't blame him for shouting.  Even she was starting to get annoyed with Chris and Vern, didn't they know better?  They walked for a few moments in silence, though it was slightly awkward.  Vern made it worse by singing that one song they were singing at the beginning of the trip.  Gordie and Chris glared at him, while Lia grabbed a rock from the ground and chucked it at his head.  

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