Chapter 4

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⚠️: possible rape / non-consensual

Lukas POV

Walking to the train, I thought of the night I spent with August. Becoming flustered I stopped the thought. What if he accepted me and the possible baby? 

Someone interrupted my thoughts.

"Hey kid, ya know you got a refreshing smell~!"

Ignoring him, I walked past him.

"Hey! Listen to when elders are speaking to you!" He yelled out in anger.

"Yes-" I said out of freight. 

"Those pheromones of yours, they're quite sweet. I want a taste~" He licked his lips while glancing over my body. 

"Let go of me! Ngh!"

He pushed me against a wall- kissing and licking my neck. I try to push back, kick him even. He won't budge. I wish someone would save me.


August POV

Im not so sure that Lukas will be okay on his own. A few minutes passed and I decided to go follow him just in case. Grabbing an umbrella. I smelt Luka's pheromones somewhere nearby. Running to the site, I see Luka being attacked.

"Hey, pal." Throwing punches at the man who attacked him. 

Lukas. Lukas. Lukas. 

Fuck this man. I want to kill him.

"August stop it!" he sobs, "You'll kill him!"

"It's the perfect price for what he's done to you," I kept going until I feel his arms wrap around my waist.

"It's not worth it, August," I turned back to embrace him.

All of the sudden, it started to downpour. Lightning was striking. 

I soothed Luka.

"Do you want to head back to my place or go to your place?"

"I want to go home with you, I'm scared, August."

"I know," I popped open the umbrella, covering both of us.

"Hold this. I'll carry you, come here, wrap your hands around my neck," I picked him up, bridal style of course. His face flashed red.

"Haha. It's just for a short while. You can't exert yourself!" I cautioned. 

"Mn." He nuzzles into my neck. Ohmygod. He's so adorable. Thank you, gods.

"Almost there."

We enter the house, I placed Luka on my bed. Turning on the bath.

"The bath is ready!"

I heard no reply, "Lukas?" I went to my room only to find he had fallen asleep. 

He looks so pale.

I picked him up again and started to remove his clothes. This will be hard but I have to endure. Marks upon bites I saw on his snow-white skin. 

I'm pissed. 

Once the clothing was removed, I wiped him down with soap and cleaned his hair. Finally placing him in the clear steamy water. Honestly wish I could join him.

An hour later I got him dressed and tucked him into bed. He probably wouldn't like it if I slept with him. I grabbed my pillow and an extra blanket. I went to my living room, and sat on the couch.

"So pregnancy? Huh?" I thought. "I'll support him no matter what! Only, I wish I was the first to be told."

"He must feel so stressed today." 

That's it! I'll take him out to a nice place tomorrow after he's okay.

I rang up Alex, Luka's older brother.

"Hello? August?"

"Yeah, can you feed Bailey? Someone attacked Luka, so he's at my place."

"What?! Yeah, I will but I'm coming over tomorrow."

"Thank you."

"I'm going to kill whoever touched my younger brother."

"He'll only get mad. Well anyways, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight."

"Night," The phone line disconnected. 

I fell asleep.

Lukas POV

I woke up. I recognize this bed. 

It's 12 AM.


"August?" I walked out of the bedroom. Found him sleeping on the couch. 

He is handsome when he sleeps too. His beautiful black hair is luminescent to the moon, his nose is cute, and his lips... his lips. I remembered the kisses he gave me that night. 

My face became very pink. I kneeled down to him. So close I could almost kiss him. His eyes shot up. I backed away. 

Those green lovely pearls.

"Lukas you're awake?"

"Yes," did he just see right now?

"Are you okay Luka?"

"Mn, since you're here," I gasp at my own words. I didn't mean to say that. He looked flustered, not sure what to do.

"That's good, I'm always here for you. You can come to talk to me about anything."

"Thank you, August. Without you, something far worse would've happened."

Tears kept falling down my face.

"It's okay," He pulled me into a warm hug. I cried until my throat hurt. He pats the back of my head, kissing the top of my head.

I love him. So much.

"So I was thinking, what about we go to the park tomorrow? Go shopping and whatnot. Take your mind off things."

"Okay but I have to meet Lawrence first."

"Of course."

-End of Chapter-

Other notes:

Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading.

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