Chapter 28

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Lawrence POV

I'm taking Lukas's advice. I'm tired of being so distant from you, Alex.

I'm driving my car to his apartment. It's a little bit farther away from where I live. About an hour. If he's going to keep avoiding me, I have to confront him.


I arrived at his apartment complex. I don't know what floor or number he lives at.

[Calling: Lukas]

He answered me quickly.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hi Lukas. What floor, building and number is Alex?" I rambled.

I want to get there quickly. I feel like if I don't do this now, I never will.

"Um. Building; R. Floor; 1. And 305"


I hanged up instantly. Dashing out of my car.

"R. 1. 305" I kept whispering to myself.

A couple of minutes I found his apartment. I'm anxious. I haven't spoken to him in so long. I'm hesitant to knock.

'Hahaaa. Lawrence!'

I got a flashback of Alex. His smile is bright and bold. His weird cackling laughter. That gave me a push to knock.

I waited a good minute before someone opened the door.

"Who is it-" He looked at me in disbelief. As if he'd seen a ghost.

"Hi Alex"

"Lawrence?" He looked confused, "What're you doing here?"

"Can I come inside?"

"Uh yeah. What is it?" He widened the door for me.

I've never seen his apartment. It's pretty nice. A big kitchen. Living room. But everything is messy. His clothes are everywhere. The dishes are piled up. That's just like him.

"Lawrence?" He broke me out of my thoughts, "Sit down"

I sat down at the table.

"I'm not sure how to say this"

I glanced at him. He looks very worried. Maybe my choice of words wasn't the best.

"But um. I want to be your friend again!" I shouted. Tightly squeezing my hands together.

"Oh" He sighed, "I thought something bad had happened to someone" He chuckled a bit.

"I'm sorry" I said, "I regret everything back then"

I looked down at the floor.

"I should be apologizing. It's been 8 years"

He's been keeping track too?

"Oh? May I ask why you avoided me all this time?"

"I was uncomfortable. We didn't talk about anything that happened that day. Plus I felt you were uncomfortable too"

"I was for a while but now... now I've just missed your presence"

I could feel my heartbeat increasing. Why is that?

He smiled, "I've missed you too, Lawrence"

He reached out to my head, caressing my hair.

"Thank you for taking care of Lukas. When I couldn't or August"

He gave a slight smirk.

"Yes. Lukas needed someone" I repiled.

"How's college?"

"It's okay. Learning about law is harder than I thought"


"Oh. Yes, I'm planning to be a lawyer" I chuckled.

"Ah, I see"

"It's my last year"

This is sort of an awkward conversation.

"I see you made new friends though!" He exclaimed, "That's good. Especially for an introvert like you" He laughed.

"Yes. But no one could replace you"

Jeez. What am I saying?

I looked at him. He was staring at me. I stared into his eyes. I've forgotten how blue they are. They're an ocean underneath a starry sky.

"Regardless. I'm happy you have friends" He smiled.

I nodded, "can we be friends too?"

"Yeah. But we need to break the awkward tension" He laughed a bit.

"Yes" I replied.

"I'll swing by your workplace every now and then..." He hesitated. His face deep in thought, "We can hangout at your place or mine"

I nodded.

Wait. Does he even know where I work?

"Uh. Do you know where I work?"

"Yeah. Lukas used to work there too. He talks about you sometimes"

"I see"

"I still can't believe he's pregnant" He exhaled.

"Indeed. It's been a bit of a rollercoaster"

"I'm going to be an uncle!" he shouted happily.

"I think the baby will be adorable"

"Of course it will! It's Lukas's child!" He sounded offended that I said that.

"Hahaaah" I started to laugh.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing, it's just you"

My eyes are watering a bit now. Through the tiny welts of water, I could see that he was taken aback. My laughter died down.

I looked to my phone. It's 8PM already?

I sighed, "I've got to go"

He looked back to his kitchen. Looking to his oven time. I'm assuming.

"Yeah. It is getting late"

"Goodbye" I said.

Getting up, ready to part.

"Wait" he tugged on my arm. Pulling me towards him.


"Drive home safe"

He hugged me. In all the years I've known him. He's never hugged me before. Strange.

I pat his back.

"What's with the hug? You gonna miss me?"

"Dunno. Just felt like it" he repiled, "You should go now"

He pushed me back.

I nodded.


"Goodnight" I repiled.

I left.

Alex POV

Why did I hug him?

Why does it feel like I've wasted almost a decade?

The entire time he was here, I felt alive again. My stomach would get giddy.

He was acting so cute as well. Ahhhh? Cuteee? What the hell am I thinking? It's Lawrence for crying out loud!

-End of Chapter-

Other notes:

Thanks for reading!

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