In need - 1%

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Freddie Benson, 09:00 PM

He was in his bedroom. He looked to his left and took out a photo frame. It's him and her. He sighed. He just so desperately wanted her in his arms again. A hug would've been enough to last him a few days or weeks as he. He had loved her. He loves her. He still does. He put down the photo and walked into the bathroom for a shower.

Why is it so hard to move on. It's obvious she moved on, if she can, then why can't I?

After the shower, he sneaked out to the fire escape.

Sam Puckett, 09:00 PM

She sat on her bed. Looking towards her balcony. The cold subtle wind soothed her with her thoughts. For the last few months, it was not that hard to be ignorant to the whole situation, but, now? She couldn't get him out of her head. She was getting tired with her feelings. She just wanted to shove them away. If not shoving them away, then may be getting her beloved one back. She's really confused, it was her first time experiencing these stuff with a truly genuine and decent guy that loved her for her. At least, that's what she knew all along.

She sneaked out of her room by the window, still on her pajamas, didn't want to deal with her mother. She walked to bushwell, 8th floor, the fire escape.

She may or may not have wished to see him on the fire escape. She just sat there, alone, on a gigantic single sofa that he placed facing the sky, years ago. She looked at the sky, which seemingly was in a good mood, stars were visible and twinkling upon her.

She heard a knock and instantly knew who it was.



"Why are you here? It's already 9."

"More like what are you doing here? Your crazy psychotic mother will find you and make you tick bath 5 times a day for a whole month."

He chuckled, "I have some problems I want to think about here." he wasn't trying to get her attention nor her help.

"oh, well. Same then."

He rose one of his eyebrow with a little frown on his face. He walked to her on the couch.

"May I sit here?" referring to the empty side beside her.

She said nothing but scoot a little. Once he's seated, both of them looked up to the starry night, they rested their backs on the couch and sighed simultaneously.

See... the couch was big, but it was a comedically gigantic single couch, so they're basically touching each other. They're so close to each other.

Honestly, at this point, she needed someone to embrace her. It's not just some random one, she wanted him. Her heart felt so heavy, she didn't know how to express it. She didn't want to cry. No. May be screaming would relief it a bit, but she couldn't.

At this point, he wanted to tell her how much she meant to him. He wanted to tell her how he needed her. He wanted to tell her how much he wanted her. He wanted to tell her how he never stopped regretting the decision of letting her go.

They looked at each other, making a bold, thick, invisible, trance between corneas.

No thoughts, just stuck in the trance.

He's scared he'll ended up being punched or a bone of his being broken, but he let his small bravery out.

"What's the problem you wanted to contemplate about?" he slowly asked, still looking at her when she looked away.

SEDDIE | The Growth of The Yet Unknown Amethyst, Violet, Purple.Where stories live. Discover now