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Dedicating this to OTPshipper13 because once, she said something to me and it boosted my confidence, the words also comforted me at some point, which I very appreciate. Lol I always smile whenever I look back and re-read what she said.

If you have never read her stories, then I suggest to read hers because they're so good and I'd be lying if I say I don't re-read every each one of them more than a few dozen times.

Sometimes before bed I just go "Why don't I re-read her books and one-shots, again?" and then end up staying up extremely late.

Freddie grew up chasing on his pretty, girly, nice, and kind neighbor--Carly Shay. He had always hated her best friend, her best friend often beat him up, tackled him, made him a punch bag, threw words and nicknames to his face, teased him, and all of that stuff he used to consider as mean (and if he knew the word "ruthless" back then, he would've used it.) as a young boy with a very protective mother.

He just despised her as much she despised him. She would insult him along with gazillion nicknames. He would always try to fight back even though he knew at the end he'd be dead.

One day, he found himself remembering his mother's words as he gazed at the blonde-headed demon that may or may not had been his very best friend that he actually had been trusting for the sake of his life (he found himself thinking she was more than a best friend, for all that matters.)

Once, little Freddie asked his mother about what kind of woman should he has as an adult to be a partner in his life. Marissa Benson knew his son was only a little child, people may see her as lunatic and overprotective... but there were good reasons for that, vulnerable ones.

"Look for a woman whom you think is beautiful even if she's often a mess. A woman that people often don't want but you find yourself wanting that beautiful soul to have as yours, to live with it. To hold her hand forever. A woman that you find always has been beautiful even when people think she's a whole wreck. Women like that are hard to find Fredbear, but every man in this world will certainly find one because everybody is different. It's not only or always about the outside, but when you meet the right one, you'll see that what's inside of her is far way more beautiful than you thought it'll be, than what she really looks like, than what people think. Also, every ending of it is different, honey."

Freddie's eyes always glisten remembering that.

Mrs. Marissa Benson may have thought her son was just goofing around, little did she know, if he were to make a list of the sentences and words from his mother that he remembers, her words about the woman for him will always be on top of the list.

His mind always recalls those words every time his eyes decide to do their own thing and gaze at his best friend, the blonde one.

She found him staring at her. Able to be considered as peculiar. She thumped his forehead and threw words to his face.

"Stop staring you, Freak."

"Quit it, Nub."

"Fredbag, I ain't Carly."

"I have a fork in my hand, Frederly. Better look away before I tackle you."

Yes, lately he's been on a staring contest, often, his eyes against her. not his eyes against her eyes, his eyes agaist her. (Don't let your mind travel away, get a grip of it, keep it clean.)

Since he started, he didn't even realize. He used to look at her with his face displaying the emotion of expressionless, and she would throw graphic words at him as if they were physical. But as time goes by, he started to smile ever so sweetly at her every time he gazed at her, thinking back to his mother's words. He could've sworn that he didn't realize he smiled, but then his eyes weren't the ones to lie, they have always been glistening since day one the gazing contest started.

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