Magic and Fantasy - 3%

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They were walking on the bridge. She was less sulky now that the red spot on her forehead already... pretty much faded.

It's already evening now, lights were on, making the magical sensation of Disney's more stronger. Nobody knew... but Sam, she had always loved the feeling that Disney gave her, it felt so magical that she could turn into a whole different person. She already did.

She's trying her best to not let it burst out.

They were just walking around, heading to a popcorn stand on the area with the outer space theme. Whenever she felt like Freddie's not aware of her facial expression, she smiled so brightly because of the magical feeling that infused her.

Freddie always noticed the smile, how could he not? He felt like they were brighter than the lamps around them.

Freddie got a flashback as he took a glance at her on his side.

"Where in the world is Saaaaaaaaaam?"

"She's not answering my calls too."


Carly sighs. "Freddie, please check her house? The rehearsal is veeeeery important, too important for her to miss it."


Once he's in front of the house's door, he knocks over and over again but no one answers.

He tries to turn the knob, it opens up, it's not locked. At school, Sam said that her mother flew to Mexico for a few days to tag along with her new boyfriend, which means she's alone and the door is not even locked.




There are no voices answering his, well, except Frothy's voice meow-ing at him as it rubs its own body against his leg like it has known him as its owner.

Freddie walks upstairs and finds Sam's door room is slighly open, deep blue light peers out from the inside of the door gap. It's not just some blue light, her room light is literally blue right now.

He knocks in case she's in there, but there's no answer. He knows if he enters and Sam finds out, his ribs could be broken in a flash, but he takes the risk.

He opens the door wider to be welcomed with the blue light from led strips lights sticking on the ceiling border, around her room. The ceiling is filled with artificial stars that actually shine.

2 sides of his conscience are debating whether he should come in to see if Sam's in there or he should look other rooms and keep on trying to call her phone. He finally decides to walk in.

He walks pass her studying table which he doesn't know what she uses it for. The table lights are still on. He sees a stack of books there.

Every each one of the books was fantasy.

He keeps on walking, he analyzes the wall behind her bed and nightstands.

There were posters and papers with quotes and also papers with her handwritings.

Some of them catches his attention.

"but when you enter the place, it's the magical feeling that infuses you."

"Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. -DR. SEUSS"

"We don't create a fantasy world to escape reality. We create it to be able to stay. -LYNDA BARRY"

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