The rats strike back

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The bionics and y/n walked back into the lab as they had just finished another mission. Donald was clapping. Alexander and Leo looked bored and the kids came in tired.

"Another successful mission!" They put their bags down and walked towards the dads "Sure you guys blew a lot of stuff up but hey that's the city's probably now" Adam laid on the desk. Chase sat down on the chair. Bree stood by Adam and y/n stood next to Chase.

"I am so exhausted I can't wait to just stand up and go to sleep."

"Well you guys get your rest my big NASA presentation is this week, and we still have to complete training on the gravity propulsion belt" Donald said.

"I think the kids need a break Donald" Alexander jumped in.

"Yea let them take a break big D and let me do it" Leo said.

"Ha! Sorry Leo no. This is a huge contract, if nasa bugs this, astronauts will be able to spacewalk anywhere in the galaxy. They'll probably name a moon after me, or a planet! Things are going to land on me! Ha! Ha!"

"Well have fun with that. I need to get home to Cassandra. Bye y/n see you later"

"Bye dad" Alexander walked out.

"I'll see you guys bright and early in the morning." Donald told them.

"Wait tomorrow?" Leo asked. "No, no that's not going to work. I planned an awesome cyberpong tournament. I made nicknames and everything. I'm 'Kingpong'"

"And tomorrow's the Teen fiancée marathon on T.V. I didn't think it was possible but I actually found a group of people who's lives are more pathetic than mine." Bree said

"Yea and I was going to have a spa day" Adam said. "According to one of Bree's girly magazines... I have cankles"

"Me and Chase were going to spend the day together" y/n said.

"Actually I was going to get a head start on homework" y/n crossed her arms and looked at him. "I-I mean uh... put everything aside and spend the day with you" Chase grabbed her waist and placed her on his lap. He planted a kiss on her cheek and y/n just shook her head.

"Alright looking, none of that is happening. This stuff is important."

"What makes your stuff more important than ours?"

"Uh cause my stuff can make billions dollars. Yea so when you're the boss you can make the rules. But until then... I am the king of Davenportia! And you will all do my bidding. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Oh. Ow!" Donald said getting hit with the lab doors.

"Man this stinks."

"Why do we always have to do what he wants us to do?"

"Weren't you listening? The man is king!" Adam answer Bree"

"Hey! Maybe you guys should do what those hotel workers downtown did. You know, strike" Leo suggested.

"Ok" Adam said s he punched Chase who was not standing next to him.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"Leo said strike"

"Different kind of strike Adam" y/n told him. She turned to look at Bree and Leo as Adam hit Chase again.


"Strike?" Bree question. Adam hit chase once again.


"What's a strike?" Adam was about to hit Chase again but he stopped him.

"Stop it!"

"It's when employees refuse to work until they get better working conditions, like more days off, or in your case... a day off"

The bionic and The science Experiment (Chase x Reader) Season 2Where stories live. Discover now