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(One Love// Bob Marley)

10th of March, Monday, 1975

On Remus' 15th birthday the other Marauders had just finished singing their fifth round of 'Happy Birthday' for him at dinner when Lily, Marlene and Andrea's conversation caught the attention of the boys. 

"How am I supposed to know how I kiss? I've never kissed me," Lily giggled to Marlene and Andrea. A little way down the long table, James Potter was eavesdropping on their conversation and quickly stood on the bench he had just vacated. "I volunteer as tribute!" he called loudly, making most of the Hall look at him in confusion.

"Not even if you paid me a thousand galleons," Lily bit back. James grinned at her. "Ah. So there is a price?" he smirked. Lily turned to Andrea. "A little help here? You're his friend, how do you rein him in?" 

Andrea smirked and grabbed her scone. "Oy Chaser. Catch!" she called, before tossing it hard at his head. James was so distracted by Lily that he didn't see it coming and at impact, he was so surprised that he lost his footing and toppled onto Peter behind him, the whole Hall bursting out laughing. 

Andrea turned to Lily. "You're welcome," she winked. She looked in the direction of James and saw a murderous look on his face. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to run for my life." Andrea quickly got up and started to leave.

"Oh, you better run Russo!" James yelled out, getting off of Peter and quickly running after her. 

As James rounded the corner in the Entrance Hall and disappeared from view, Sirius stood up on the table. "Right, my money's on Andrea, any takers?!" he called out to everyone. 

The bets were placed, even McGonagall slipping a whisper to him placing two Galleons on Andrea. Remus started writing up the bets for him because Sirius had no control over who was placing what.

Now they all just had to wait and see.

As the rest of the Hall went on with their dinner, Andrea waltzed back in through the large doors. Equal groans and cheers went through the room as they figured she had won. "Sorry for the disturbance. I had... business to attend to." 

Not a second later, running footsteps echoed from the Entrance Hall and James came rushing inside, panting heavily. He pointed an accusatory finger at Andrea and looked at his friends. "She pushed me down the fucking stairs!" he shouted. 

Andrea shrugged slightly. "Push is such a strong word. I prefer calling it; giving you a little nudge." James stormed forwards so he was right in her face. "I'll give you a little nudge when I shove my foot up your a-"

"MISTER POTTER! Miss Russo! Detention, both of you!" McGonagall shouted loudly, shepherding the two out of the Great Hall. "He started it!"

"Did not!"




25th of March, Tuesday, 1975

"I think we can call it a night for today," Dumbledore said with a warm smile. When Andrea arrived, they had started off the lesson with reading as they usually did. Then Dumbledore surprised her by asking her to stand and duel him, wandless.

He had gone easy on her, of course. Because Andrea had never used intentional spells while performing her wandless magic. She managed to get one stun out, but her aim was off, and she had hit the bookshelf to her right rather than Dumbledore. Then for the past twenty minutes, he had been casting spells at her to try and force her into blocking them.

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