Chapter 18: AnnaLyn

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A/N: I haven't updated in so long! sorry for the wait.. I hope you like it:)


My heart races. My moms been gone for a half hour trying to find Jackson. All that runs through my mind is if he didn't make it. If I killed him.

I squeeze my eyes shut.

"AnnaLyn?" I hear a voice coming from the doorway. I open my eyes and look up to find Jackson, almost perfectly fine besides a cast on his arm.

I sigh with relief. "Thank goodness. I thought you were dead too.." A tear runs down my cheek when I think of all the people I killed.

Jackson slowly walks over and wipes the tear from my face. "I'm so sorry AnnaLyn. This is all my fault."

"Oh don't worry, Jackson. I already a know that." I say bitterly and regret it when Jackson's expression changes. Guilt.

"AnnaLyn, please forgive me. I never should have given you that stupid drink that night. None of this would have happened. And I didn't mean for this to happen, Anna." I feel angry when he calls me Anna. I only like it when Caleb calls me that. "I'm so sorry."

"You do realize I'm going to be punished for this. I was the one driving. I'm going to have to pay the price." I say, just realizing what I am saying is true.

"I know that and I'm sorry."

"This never would have happened if I never met you." I say bitterly.

"Yeah but.. I gave you so much. Remember that day in the field? I gave you happiness when you were struggling the most."

"No Jackson. You made me struggle because you got me pregnant. That night at your house. After your stupid party."

Then it's quiet for a long time.

"In sorry AnnaLyn. I really am. If I could, I would take all of this back,

"Jackson, I've been thinking a lot latel-" Next thing I know Jackson's mouth is on mine. I don't know what to do and I'm so stunned that I just sit there.

I finally realize what's happening. I push Jackson back, a little too hard. He falls back into the chair.

"What was that?! You think that your stupid kiss will fix everything? Because it won't Jackson! Get out." I say roughly.

He looks down. Gets up and slowly walks out of the room.

A noise outside startles me. It sounds like someone got punched.

"What the hell?!" I hear Jackson.

"Don't touch her ever again."

Crap. Caleb.

"I'll do what I want." Another punch.

And another. I try to get out of the bed, but a sharp pain runs through my leg. The boys finally come into view. Jackson is on the ground underneath Caleb who throws his arm back to punch him again.

"Caleb! Stop!" I shout but I am too late. Another punch to Jackson's face and I cringe. Jackson smacks Caleb on the head with his cast, allowing him to get up.

"Stop it!!" I shout louder. This is because of me, and I need to stop it. Caleb wraps his hands around Jackson's neck.

I ignore the pain in my leg and get up, using the wall as support.

"Caleb!" I grab his arms and try to pull them away from Jackson, but he is so strong. Jackson starts to look a little blue.

Finally, I just scream. Nurses come running down the hall and start to pull Caleb from Jackson. Caleb struggles with the arms pulling him away, but then he seems to realize what he's doing, so he stops.

Jackson sits on the floor, breathing hard. I kneel next to him.

"Are you alright?" I ask, my hand on his arm. He glares up at Caleb and slightly nods.

I slowly get up, turning to Caleb. "Are you nuts?"

His eyes wander, avoiding mine. I grab his arms and shake him a little.

"Look at me Caleb." Finally he looks at me. I sigh. I don't know what to say.

The nurses let go of him. I feel weak.

"Just say it." Caleb says. I search his eyes. What is he thinking I want to say?

"Just.. Just don't do it again." I say, my hands letting go of his arms, my eyes wandering to the wall.

I limp towards the bed. Caleb grabs my arm and puts it over his shoulder, then he picks me up and carries me like a baby.

I lean my head on his chest and I hear Jackson get up and go with a nurse.

I'm too tired to care. My head feels airy and tight. My ears ring. There's black splotches in my eyesight.

My eyes slowly close.

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