Chapter 19: Caleb

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It felt good to punch Jackson, but it wasn't as great when I saw the look on AnnaLyns face. Disappointment.

I've never felt worse in my life. And when I sit on AnnaLyns bed, holding her like a baby while she sleeps, I realize what a big mistake I made.

Jackson already hated me, so I'm not so worried about him. I'm just worried what AnnaLyn is thinking.

I want her to wake up so we could talk, but she looks so cute.

My head hurts. And my fist. I've always wanted to punch someone, just to try it out, but it's a lot more brutal than it looks like in movies.

Jackson probably has a concussion, which totally sucks. I remember in 8th grade, I was playin soccer with some of my friends, and you know how boys are... We love to push each other around. My friend Chris shoved me when I was about to shoot, and I hit the goal post, head first. I got a really bad concussion and while I was on the ground, I couldn't see and I was throwing up. The rest of that month I sat in my dark room eating Cheetos.

I don't know if I punched Jackson hard enough to actually hurt him, but honestly, I hope he's alright. Man that cast on his arm is hard.

I look down at AnnaLyn, who is still sleeping. I gently turn and lay her on her bed. She sighs a little and turns onto her side. I play with her hair for a while, but then a nurse comes in.

"Are you Caleb?" he says.

I sigh. "Yeah that's me."

"You need to come with me." The nurse says and I get up and follow him out of the room.


Jackson and I awkwardly sit in a room alone. The nurse told us that some manager guy was coming to talk to us.

It's silent in the room. Only my breathing is what I hear. Finally, a guy in a suit and tie walks in.

"Hello, I am Steve Flecher, manager of this hospital." He shakes our hands. "Now, tell me what happened."

And at this moment, I realize how stupid I am. This all was caused by me, because I was jealous.

Jackson starts. "I walked out if my girlfriends' room-"

"Excuse me? She is not your girlfriend." I say, getting angry already. This should be good.

"Fine! I walked out of my friends room and this kid here punched me."

"Because you kissed her. Don't leave out the facts, Jackson." I spit out his name like a bad word.

"Whatever! Then we fought each other and he started choking me and nearly killed me!"

"First of all, I would never actually kill you. Maybe make you pass out, but not kill."

The manager guy stands up. "Obviously you two do not have an excellent background."

"No we don't" I mumble.

"I am afraid to tell you two that you can no longer visit this hospital, unless you are injured. But you cannot be a visitor among our patients."

I'm stunned. "But my dad-"

"No buts! You did what you did and you will receive the consequences. You have ten minutes to leave." The man walks out the door.

"Dammit Caleb." Jackson says. I'm pretty much used to people swearing here in Texas.

"Shut up." I get up and walk to my dads room.

I sit in the chair next to him.

"Hey dad." I say, even though he's not awake. "Listen, I'm not going to be able to visit anymore, so this could be goodbye." I close my eyes and try to forget that I may never see him again. I try to stay positive. "I'll see you later."

I get up and leave before I cry.


"AnnaLyn." I touch her arm to wake her up. She turns to me, her brown eyes searching my expression. "This will be the last time I'll visit you."

AnnaLyn grabs my arm. "What? Why?"

"Me and Jackson pretty much got kicked out."

Anna looks down and shakes her head. "gosh Caleb. What about your dad?"

"Today may be the last time I see him." My voice gets thick as I try not to cry. "Ever."

"Oh Caleb. I'm so sorry." She sits up and gives me a hug. I wrap my arms around her and just breathe in her scent, my face in her hair. We let go after a while and I get up to leave.

"I'm praying for your dad Caleb." AnnaLyn says.

"Thank you." I say, and I lean down and kiss AnnaLyns head. "Goodbye."

And I leave.

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