Chapter 1: AnnaLyn

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"Ok, AnnaLyn. You're up." My english teacher says to me. I grab my presentation on my desk and stand in front of the class. I can feel everyone's eyes on me, but mostly Caleb's. I take a quick glance at his green eyes. For a second, I just stare, but then I catch myself and look away.

"My topic is sharks. There are many different kinds of sharks..." The words I speak begin to fade, though I still speak them. I don't hear them or think about them. I only think about him.

He's simply perfect. His short brown hair pokes up in all different directions. His style, definitely perfect. I look at him again as he pulls a hand through his hair and my heart just aches.

"And that is my presentation. Thank you." I hand my paper to my teacher and sit back down. I rest my chin on my hand for the rest of class, not listening to any presentations, just wishing I was her.

Her, is Caleb's girlfriend, Victoria. She has long blonde hair that is always perfectly curled. Her blue eyes are so bright it's hard not to look at them. And her smile is definitely the most perfect part about her. Her teeth are so straight its hard to believe.

The bell startles me from my thoughts and I start packing up. I accidentally hit one of my books with my elbow and it falls to the ground. I finish putting a different book in my bag and turn to pick it up but instead I find Caleb holding it out in front of me.

I look up at him and smile. "Thanks." I say and take it out of his hand.

"Your welcome." He tilts his head like he's trying to read the cover. "'To Love Again' huh?"

I set it on my desk before I put it in my bag. "Yep. I've read it at least 10 times. It's my favorite book."

"Wow." Caleb says and I smile. "Well I'll see you later." Caleb walks away and I get that ache again. Even though we're best friends, I still want to talk to him 24/7.

Later that day by my locker, Caleb is walking up to me. He leans on the locker next to mine and says, "Hey."

"Hi." I say and shut my locker. I turn and see Victoria fast-walking towards Caleb. I watch her as she nearly sucks the lips off of Caleb. I roll my eyes and walk away.

"AnnaLyn!" Caleb yells behind me and I turn.

"Yes?" I ask and continue walking. He catches up in no time but is out of breath from running.

"Why'd you walk away?" he asks and I want to get angry but I don't.

"Because I don't want to watch you and your girlfriend suck the life out of each other. It's just gross."

"Okay, I'll try to not do that in front of you. You could've said something."

"Yeah. But I didn't." I walk into my next class without saying goodbye.


That afternoon, Caleb came over to get help with his homework. Caleb wasn't the smart type. He often came to me for some help. He struggled with math most, which was my best subject.

"Hey, AnnaLyn?" Caleb says, pausing on the problem he was working on.

"Mmhm?" I say, looking into those beautiful green eyes.

"I'm really sorry about today. The whole thing with Victoria."

"It's fine." is all I say.

He seems to be able to tell that I'm jealous. Or maybe he thinks I'm angry. I really hope so because he has no idea...

"Okay. I need help with this. I just don't get it." He points to one of the problems in the math book and I start to explain it.


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